Thursday 23 February 2017

What Makes You, You?

I think for a lot of women in their late teens and early twenties, the occasional 'identity crisis' is normal. At this age, it's expected for you to experiment and try new things, new looks, new lifestyles all while having an idea in mind of who you want to be. We often try to attain these ideals through our experiments, but are left feeling more confused than before. 

We're always told by the media what looks good and what doesn't, what beauty is and what the current trends are so understandably it's a difficult decision when it comes to deciding what we really want to be like.

I've been mulling this over a lot lately so bare with me if this is a ramble! I think who you really are, at your core, underneath any make-up and Instagram highlight-reel stems from your morals and beliefs. These change as you grow older- I doubt you still have the exact same beliefs and ideals that you had when you were twelve, right? Coming to terms with change as a constant and the fact that you will never really just be someone is one of the most important things in this sense.

 "You are a mixture of everyone and everything you've ever come across".

I don't mean that in a negative way, like "you'll never be a somebody", you will, you are. But what we need to understand to become who we truly are at our core is that our core and self is always changing! 

Say you're a rock in a river (lol). As the water washes over your for years, your shape begins to change and your place in the stream of the river changes too. Say this is you. You're always yourself, that rock, but as you experience more of life, change shape (mentally or physically) you're different. Change is not always a bad thing, just another building block in your personality. You're not supposed to fit anywhere in particular in that stream, or society, but where you land will always develop you. 

I love the saying "You are a mixture of everyone and everything you've ever come across". To me this means that everything I read, learn about or everyone I meet is also a tiny building block in my sense of self. My morals come from what I've learned, how I've thought about these things and where I've decided to stand on matters that are sometimes out of my control. There will come times when you're perfectly content with who and where you are, and times when you aren't- this is really important to remember. Make the most of the times when you're super happy and when you aren't, think about the next steps you can take.
Life isn't all about living up to beauty industry standards, despite what Instagram and Glamour and Vogue etc etc tell you you believe- it's about the sh*t that fundamentally makes you, you. Without your thoughts you are nothing! 

Growing into your own skin is partly about discarding what anybody else thinks of you (this is super difficult at the start) and just doing you. Do what feels good for you at the time and you'll realise what matters to you the most. If you want to start wearing less make-up, do it. If you feel like dying your hair blue feels more you, then totally go for it.

I spoke in my post about tattoos on how putting these pictures on the outside of my body makes me look how I feel on the inside and the same goes for anything appearance-wise. Don't think that because you look or act differently that different is bad, it isn't. I think that the more you start to do things solely because you love to do them, who you are becomes stronger.

Throughout your whole life you have permission to change, adapt and learn new things. It's what matters to YOU that changes you. :)

I'm still learning this myself and changing everyday, but each day becoming more content with who I am.

How do you feel about this? What makes you, you?



Tuesday 21 February 2017

9 Tips on How to Manage University and Blogging

It doesn't feel like I've been blogging albeit the short haitus, since my first year of uni. It's all gone so fast! During some semesters it's been harder to find time to sit down at my laptop and blog but in others, finding the time to write has been much easier. Sometimes prioritising uni first (after all, you're paying for it) is best, but that doesn't mean that your creativity and love of blogging has to slow down!

Here are a few things that help me manage the excitement of blogging alongside my degree work:

Don't put crazy pressure on yourself. Let's start with the cheesiest one that your lecturer will hate me for. Nothing is fun when you're under pressure so don't put so much pressure on yourself. That coursework will be done if you do a little everyday and don't fret over what you can't control! Find a balance of how much work you can take at one time and then-

Use your down time to blog. If blogging really is something that you enjoy then while you're Netflix and chilling of an evening it should be easy to your laptop/tablet out and write.  Again, with less pressure- remember, your readers don't mind if you need a week to catch up or focus on other things.

Set one day a week to write/schedule posts. This can be more than a day if you need, you decide! Sunday is usually my day to happily hammer out as many posts as I can and not worry about any coursework, as there are six more days of the week for that. Giving yourself permission and writing without that feeling of guilt makes me more productive!

Have a planner. I've talked about my bullet journal before, but now I need a planner with two sides! One dedicated to my studies to-do and one solely for blogging/home tasks. There's nothing more relieving than looking in your planner and not feeling jumbled up about what needs doing. Usually , I fill up my week plan on a Sunday too, just because the day is set aside already!

Schedule in advance. Scheduling is my saviour. If you're going to need the other days of the week to cram, schedule your blog posts and tweets for a day or two so you don't need to think about it!

Combine both! If you're on a creative course, is there a way you can combine your love of blogging with your love of your degree? For me, I study Illustration so creating a whole project around blog headers etc is doable, if I really wanted to.

Write down ideas as they come to you. If you ever steal my phone (get awaaaay) you'll notice a little note section. Probably nonsensical to anybody else but secretly, it's a goldmine of ideas! Jotting down thoughts mean that whenever you get an urge to write, your content ideas are right beside you.

Write on your commute. Do you ever get the train, bus, coach to uni or home? Use this time to do any pending work or blogging! Commuting is the perfect time to focus and be alone in your thoughts, really get sh*t done.

Bulk shoot your photos. If you have twenty minutes spare before heading to class or during a long lunch break, bulk shoot some blog photos. Those ideas in your notes will be ready to go before you know it! This means more time to relax of an evening, no rushing to catch the last light after class so more time that you can spend at uni doing yo' degree thang. It's all about balance and noticing when you have the time and energy.

I hope you find these tips helpful. Let me know in the comments if you have anything that helps you manage time! What course are you studying?



Sunday 19 February 2017

Easy Vegan Strawberry Pastry Parcels | Sunday Post #16

Before I knew how to cook, I'd bake with my mum and sisters. Baking has always been one of my favourite things to do on rainy days (except for watching movies), or slow Sunday afternoons where I could do with a pick-me-up. As a kid, jam tarts were my favourite sweet treat and as an adult I adore the tangy taste of strudel, especially as it's so easy to find a vegan one!

Those are the two tastes I can compare this sweet treat to most. I made this recipe up as I went along and they turned out pretty nice (I ate them all in one day, sorry not sorry), so thought I'd share them here for anyone looking for a fruity fix. If you're not sure what to do in some of the written steps, scroll down for a step-by-step photo recipe! They're so easy and quick to make.


A large handful of fresh strawberries
One roll of pre-rolled puff pastry (most are vegan, but check incase) 
4 tbsp of strawberry jam
A small handful of frozen berries (optional, but adds tang)

For the crispy coating: 

1 tbsp brown or white sugar
1 tsp of cinnamon
Water for sealing


  1. Preheat your oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  2. Mix together the jam and frozen berries. Cut up your strawberries into small chunks and add to the jam mixture.
  3. Roll out your puff pastry and cut it into around 4"x4" squares, depending on the size of the parcels you want to make!
  4. Using a tablespoon, drop the jam mixture into the centre of the pastry squares, leaving a 1" gap around the edges, then fill a bowl with some water and dip your fingers in, rubbing the water over the empty edges of the pastry. Do this for each pastry square.
  5. Bring the edges into the centre and pinch them together, sealing with extra water if you need to! Don't go overboard as they might fall apart. 
  6. Refrigerate for 15 minutes, until firm. While you do this, mix together your sugar and cinnamon in a cup.
  7. Rub a little water on the outsides of the pastry and sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture on it until it sticks. 
  8. Poke a couple of holes/slits in the sides of the parcels for ventilation (some jam might come out of the holes when it bakes but this is okay!)
  9. Pop them in your preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crispy on the outside.  

I made little rolls / tarts with the excess pastry- you can do this too with any extras you might have left over. They don't look as neat but they're just as sweet!

    These pastries are incredible when warm, but be careful as the jam inside can be crazily hot even when the outside feels okay to eat. Optional step 10 is to make a huge mug of tea, get into comfy clothes and do nothing productive with your Sunday. I hope you like these strawberry pastry parcels! Perhaps this recipe should have been posted in time for Valentine's day, but I'm all for treats and self love on any day of the year!

    Let me know if you make these! What's your favourite sweet snack? If you liked this you might like my last recipe post, a vegan fry up!



    Thursday 16 February 2017

    Dealing with Choosing and Losing Furry Friends

    You've met Mylo, right? He's my pooch and one of my best friends, as sad as that sounds, he really does mean the world to me! I know I mean the world to him because my family and I are all he has, that's why it's important to choose wisely when you're thinking of getting a dog.

    I remember the first day we saw Mylo, he was in a video online with his little brothers and sisters at a farm in Burnley. He's a cockapoo who are known for being people loving, easily trainable, small and hypo-allergenic dogs that fit perfectly into family life. He's quite at home in our family of six (my nephew is the latest arrival!) as we chose a Cockapoo because we knew it could work.

    One of the main reasons dogs are given up is because their owners can't handle their temperament or simply don't have enough time on their hands to walk and play with their pup every day. In 2015 the RSPCA (only one company who shelters homeless dogs) found a home for 47,651 animals in the UK and although this is so great, it makes me sad that people don't just do their research and plan before adopting a pet so that less pets have to be rescued or rehomed.

    The team over at PuppySpot have put together this flowchart to help potential dog owners choose a breed that's right for them and will fit perfectly into their lifestyle, like Mylo does with mine. Even if you're not thinking of getting a pup yet, it's pretty interesting and makes me fantasise about adding another puppy to my life *hint hint mum* though I think Mylo prefers to be the centre of attention haha.

    One day when I kit out a place that's totally my own, there's a 100% chance that I'll be adopting a furry friend!! I can't imagine life without Mylo sleeping on my bed of a morning or sneaking him treats under the table so the thought of ever giving him up sucks.

    I know this because I've been through the experience of having to give up two very, very much loved dogs before, Alfie and Pippa. They were cared for by my dad and as he had to work more shifts (he's in the police) he was less able to spend the time with them that Collies need. 

    They needed a lot of exercise and were taken up the hills of the Lake District on weekends but eventually it didn't cut it, it became unfair for them to be cooped up during his long 12 hour shifts. It was a difficult decision to pass them over to the Wainwright shelter in Cumbria, a wonderful place that finds loving homes for pets. I cried for three whole hours (none stop, it was like grief!) but knowing that the right thing to do was giving them to someone who could provide the exercise and love that a Border Collie needs still makes me feel better- but I wouldn't wish the feeling of giving up a pet on anybody!

    Alfie, 2009
    I hope this has encouraged you in choosing the right furry friend and I just know that whoever you choose will love you even more than you love it! 

    Do you have any pets? I'd love to hear about them, or send me a photo @sarahjdocker   

    *This post was requested by puppyspot but all words are my own. this is very close to my heart!


    Tuesday 14 February 2017

    Arbonne's Lip Treatment Review | Vegan Valentines

    Happy Valentine's Day y'all! I ♡ you. 

    If you can't rock a red lip on Valentines day, when can you? Red lips have been a signature of bold beauty for years and after this whole matte lip craze, I'm ready to start bringing a little glossiness back into my life. For the last two weeks I've been testing out Arbonnes Intelligent Lip Treatment*, a balm that is applied morning and evening and can go under lipstick. 

    By around the fifth day I could actually feel the lines smoothed out of my lips and they had a plumpness of resting on top of each other. My lips are quite naturally plump anyway so bare this in mind, but it's been a brilliant primer and works wonderfully filling out any creases or lines!

    You only need a little (which I love) so the product lasts a long time for the size of the tube. I've been applying it for two weeks and the tube is still just over half full! The formula is non-greasy and settles into your lips really fast, so no hair sticking to your lips on a windy day- a pet peeve of mine when it comes to gloss.

    Plus, the packaging for these products is gorgeous and being creative, I'm a sucker for anything that is packaged beautifully. In fact, the red lipstick had an elegant engraving of the Arbonne logo until I used it (stupidly, before I'd even photographed it) and wiped it away! Bad beauty blogger! There's some craaaaazy attention to detail here.

    Here's the Lip Treatment and Smoothed Over Lipstick combined. The shade is 'Hibiscus' and smells wonderfully fruity, flowery and all-around ready for Spring. As excited as I was for Winter to arrive, it's getting harder and harder to wake up in the freezing cold and I just want it to be gone now! Bring me fresh flowers and warm breezes any day over this weeks so typically English winter weather! (p.s ignore my brows, they were done in quite a hurry)

    I'm in love with this shade of lip. It's super hydrating and bold, but unfortunately doesn't like to stick around for long if you're clumsy like me and touch your mouth / face a lot.

    So if you're going to treat yourself or your best gal today, I'd definitely grab this lip treatment. At $38 I think it's a little steep for the size but if you really want smoothed out lips, worth it. You can find the Smoothed Over lipstick in Hibiscus here and as always, these products are vegan and cruelty free! Like the Espa products I tried last week, there's no artificial bad stuff in them, so that makes me happy too! Well done Arbonne. Stay tuned on Twitter (link below) for a before and after shot!

    Tonight I'm going to settle in with a movie and lots of dark chocolate... Alex and I don't really do Valentines day but I'm all for treats (every day of the year).

    Would you try out this lip treatment? How are you spending Valentine's Day?



    Sunday 12 February 2017

    Things That Keep Me Sane | Sunday Post #15

    Listen up! I've become a pro at steering clear of stress-induced insanity and using everyday comforts as a crutch, so I'm here to share with you my vices at the moment and things I'm currently obsessed with. If you want to join me on the quest for everyday happiness, keep reading...

    Lets start with tea. 

    Ahhh tea, my old friend. While I'm tapping away on my keyboard or painting my butt off in the studio I take regular breaks to either 1. Dream of tea when there's none around or 2. Make myself a steaming afternoon cuppa. After enthusing about Pukka, I decided to give Teakruthi a go and my favourite blend at the moment is Blissful Harmony, a mix of white and black teas. I believe it's lightly caffeinated but the white tea is super soothing and black is very comforting (not to mention good for you and delicious). 

    Above: Lemon Candy, Oolong Green, White, Blissful Harmony, Cinnamon Chai

    I've also been writing a journal.

    Sometimes a gal just needs to share her thoughts in a place that isn't going to be seen by anybody else. For me, it's a beautiful journal that I got for Christmas one year. I don't necessarily keep it everyday, just when the mood strikes or I'm feeling overwhelmed by an emotion- whether that be happiness or sadness - both are as strong as each other and sometimes too much for me to keep locked up inside my head!

    It really helps me to unwind especially at the end of the day or during my mid-afternoon slump, so I try to keep it handy. 

    Fiction is fun

    As a kid I was a huge bookworm, just ask my mum *pushes up glasses, sniffs*. I read all of the Harry Potters as soon as they came out, starting at the age of 7, then my love of reading slowly trailed off after I discovered the internet and Club Penguin. I told you in this post about the two books I've been reading lately- both aren't quite finished yet but they're incredible if escapism, or mindful reflection is what you need sometimes.

    I eat, therefore I am

    If you've been following me on Twitter or Instagram you might have seen a lot of raving about our new slowcooker. I say 'our', when really it belongs to Alex, but I've grown so fond of throwing everything in a bowl and having it ready in the evening that it's become an adopted everyday item. Good food is soul food, and soul food keeps me going. 

    I make sure to eat as much as my body needs and listen to the cravings I have! Since overcoming an eating disorder, food is something I love to explore and make the most of. I've also been great at drinking lots of water lately, woo hoo!

    Yoga, Yoga, Meditation

    Pilates has always been my favourite type of exercise (aside from sleep, that counts... right?), but lately I've been giving yoga a try. The thought of improving my body only using my body has always appealed to me, and I've discovered that my body feels incredible after Yoga. It slowly improves my flexibility, being asthmatic it's not too hard on the lungs and my circulation has definitely gotten better over the last few weeks. 10/10 would recommend it.

    Before bed I do a little breathing exercise / meditation to calm me down and take my mind away from the worries of the day, more recently I've been getting up an hour earlier than usual instead of sleeping the day away! Soaking up as much daylight as I can makes me feel so much better. Here's a couple of tips by Leesa, an online mattress company, to help you become more of a morning person too!

    What are your vices? Do we have any in common? I'd love to hear them :)


    *Teakruthi sent me these teas to try out, but all opinions are my own! p.s: 'Lemon Candy' is my second favourite! Super refreshing.


    Saturday 11 February 2017

    Boohoo x Village Hotel Espa Experience | #WeAreSS17

    Last week Boohoo SO kindly treated north-west bloggers to a couple of hours at the poolside of Village Hotel in Warrington, for relaxation, pampering and prosecco. The last time I visited a spa was when at about 17 years old with my mum in Whinfell Forest (one of my most favourite places for a long weekend away, I'm forever talking about this place and wishing I could go back) so when Boohoo's invited popped up in my e-mails I got so excited! 

    If you read my last post you'll know that the past couple of weeks have been super stressful. I've been working my lil' butt off on a few different projects, so this was just the thing I needed to destress and set me up for a more relaxing weekend.

    We started the night, prosecco in hand and met each other properly for the first time. I'd spoken to Lily (jolihouse) before but hadn't met her in person which seems strange looking back since we live in the same city! I also chatted to Anna (dontcrampmystyle) a lot and Claire (whowhatclaire), who were all amazing. I can't wait to see them again soon!

    Arriving at the changing rooms we were given complimentary lockers, robes, flip flops and towels. For some reason a robe at the spa is always more comfortable than a robe at home, right?! We had an hour to chill so took advantage of the hot tub - all nine of us squeezed in in our Boohoo bikini's and enjoyed the bubbles, leaving no room for other hotel guests... oops! 

    Excuse the messy look!

    Swimming is something I've not done in a long time either so bobbing about in the beautifully clear (not to mention nicely warmed) pool with Anna for a while made me feel suuuuper. There's nothing more relaxing than literally all weight being lifted from you, being able to just float for a while, not focussing on day-to-day worries.

    Silly me forgot to mention that I was vegan so I didn't pick up any nibbles, although they all looked and smelled great! Amy (amyelizabethfashion) is celiac and at last minute notice was provided with a gorgeous bowl of cooked veggies and walnuts which looked freakin' incredible. Who knows, that may have been vegan but thankfully I'd eaten beforehand and prepared a slow cooker meal which was waiting for me when I got home (damn it was tasty). After nibbles and more complimentary bubbly we sat down for an Espa facial!

    Rockin' a Boohoo skirt and shoes

    Usually I'm self conscious about taking make-up off around people, especially when we've just met(!) but the whole evening was so relaxed that after chatting for a while, I felt like I'd known these gals for so much longer and didn't really mind. 

    We were shown how to use five of the Espa products in a regime for an easy at-home facial, fully kitted out with hot flannels and purified water. Make-up hasn't touched my face since doing this because it felt so refreshing!

    My favourite product, I think, was the intelligent Promoisturiser which activates only the ingredients personally needed for your skin. For a product that worked differently on everyone, we were all so impressed! The consistency was quite like thick yoghurt, so you only needed a little and to my elation all of the products were natural, vegan and cruelty-free

    Lately I've noticed so many amazing brands becoming cruelty free and can't tell you enough how happy this makes me. We don't need to hurt animals for our skin!

    At the end of the night we were gifted with goodie bags holding samples of every product, so keep your peepers peeled for an at-home facial post soon! Boohoo treated us to bikinis and a Unicorn Brush set each (they look SO CUTE and I can't wait to try them out)! You can also find the bikini I wore here.

    Sending alllll my love to the gals at Boohoo and Village Hotel for having us, this really was the mini retreat that my mind and skin needed this week. Thank you so much for a wonderful evening and the opportunity to finally meet up with some lovely NW bloggers!

    Have you ever been to a spa? What was your experience like?



    Wednesday 8 February 2017

    Life Lately | Bird Sanctuaries, Illustrating and Books 🌿

    I've been laying a little low on social media for the last two weeks as life has literally got the better of me, while blogging has got the not-so-better of me! It's taken a while to summon up the motivation to shoot new photos for this little corner of the internet, but I'm here now!

    Since this heartfelt post on what we should be talking more about, I've been glaring at the world from behind a fort of sketchbooks, notes and clothes that I can't be bothered to hang up.

    Over the last couple of weeks I've had so much uni work that it's SUCKED ALL THE FREAKIN' LIFE OUT OF ME and I feel guilty when I'm enjoying something that isn't an assignment. Currently I'm taken by a brief for the Penguin Design Competition as part of my course, coming up with book cover illustrations for 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾'. I read Adrian Mole as a kid and studied To Kill a Mockingbird in school, so most of last week was simply me, hunched at a desk drawing up what I remember of both books before a recap. It's been fun but boy is it difficult! 

    Obviously if there's one thing I need throughout this work, it's my sanity so I've been dabbling in a little personal project that I hope you'll like: making one of a kind, hand painted and stitched tote bags! I really want to encourage sustainability (she says with a desk full of chopped down tree paper), what better way to do that than making badass and beautiful bags for everyone? 

    Last weekend Alex and I decided it was time to get out for the day and visited the cutest local bird sanctuary called Turbary Woods. Here, volunteers and vets nurse birds of prey back to health (so it's an ethical sanctuary). Some of the owls were adorably huge and puffy but my favourite had to be the tiniest little bird with bright yellow eyes. He looked permanently shook, haha. We stopped in the cafe for tea and some lunch before getting a bus back home. We're such old people already and I kinda love it.  Easy to please!

    We got lucky since North-West weather has been pretty grim lately but by chance, we visited Turbary Woods and the clouds decided to part. My memory card is full to the brim with photos so I'm probably going to throw together a photo diary in a separate post! Even the littlest trips out like this keep me going. :)

    As you can tell, I got two new cacti for my collection. YES I'm crazy plant lady, I know... I know. They're all lined up across my bathroom windowsill- by my count I'm now the proud adoptive momma of around 10-12 spiky lil' plants. I got the bathroom idea from my step-mum who keeps a lot of potted plants in the bathroom so that whenever someone showers, the plants get some water and humidity (just like in the desert)!

    For some reason I just haven't wanted to look at social media or blogs a lot this week, instead I've invested what spare time I can grab into reading 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' (which I did a doodle of in this post) while attempting to finish 'Eay Pray Love',  a beautiful book I seem to have been reading foreeeever!

    Between that and the occasional travel documentary, my travel bug is as fed as it can be for now! My 21st birthday is coming up next month and I haven't had a valid passport since I was about 16/17, so that's the only thing I have my heart set on at the mo. England is giving me cabin fever and fantasising about travelling the world is only giving me a stronger urge to go!

    So, it's been a good two weeks. University, although stressful, has been good- my studio is nice and we've had some artists come in to talk to us about their work which has been constant fuel for inspiration. Right now I'm focussing on thinking up ideas to smash the end of my degree and balancing that with using my down-time wisely (such as making a bomb vegan chocolate cake with Bourneville all over). I've also felt a little run down the last few days, watching two of uni's artist talks via livestream, so Boohoo kindly inviting me to a spa evening tomorrow couldn't have come at a better time. Expect a post on that next week, I'm so exciteeeeed! 

    What have you been up to lately and what do you think of the tote bag project? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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