Wednesday 24 June 2015

Bagels in my belly

This morning I woke up in a perfect nest of covers and pillows, so ready to do absolutely... nothing. Having moved back home for summer,  I've had a little more time in the mornings. A little lie in or a jog around the park usually, with a valiant attempt to cook up something new for breakfast.
I'd say I have more of a 'savoury tooth' over sweet (give me a load of cheese and crackers over cake any day!) but this morning I opted for a hot fruity, healthy breakfast in the form of a bagel. Yes, a bagel.

At the moment I'm trying to eat healthy meals with a lot of the food groups. I'm definitely not an expert but if it's seemingly good for me and delicious then everything is A-okay! I originally pulled the idea of this from Blogilates, but changed almost everything except for the peach and apple.

  • A bagel of your choice (I chose a 'Thin' Warburtons raisin and cinnamon bagel)
  • 1 peach
  • 1 apple, cored
  • 1 tbsp natural yoghurt (optional, decided I either used too much or didn't like it. Try honey instead!)
  • 1tbsp rolled oats or museli
Awesome breakfast instructions:
  1. First, cut your bagel in half and pop it in the toaster for 1-2 minutes, depending how you like it. Did anybody else know that the numbers were minutes and not levels of toastiness?!
  2. While that's toasting, cut up your peach and apple into small chunks. You can peel the skin if you like but I chose to keep it on as it's nutritious!
  3. Drop the chopped fruits into a frying pan with a splash of water and cinnamon. Sautee on a med-high heat until golden, all of the water should have evaporated.
  4. Toss in your rolled oats or muesli and add a tiny splash more of water. This should stop them sticking or burning and cook them at the same time!
  5. Put the bagel on a plate and pour the fruit and oats onto it. Be careful not to get burned by steam or the fruit itself. 
  6. (optional) Plop the natural yoghurt ontop for a sweet tang, or drizzle some honey over the top. 
  7. Tuck in! Enjoy your breakfast.

I hope your day is as good as your butt.

Tell me if you make this or something similar and if you liked it! What's your favourite breakfast?

You can also find me on Instagram!

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