Tuesday 15 December 2015

Home Sweet Home

Hooray! A week of deadlines is over and us uni students have been set free to roam back home. I arrived here on Friday, totally ready for fluffy slippers (or in this case, giraffe slippers, see below), cuddles with my pooch and a whole lot of Christmas movies- just what the doctor ordered. 
It'll be another week until my friends get to return home as we're all studying in different cities, but I can't wait to catch up and have a few drinks. Mum has decorated the house with twinkling lights, baubles, wreaths and pinecones and the whole place smells of advent candles, laundry and home cooked food.

Here are the giraffe slippers. They belong to my sister but Mylo and I have claimed them as our own. He's been like a little shadow to me since I got back and I love it. Every morning I wake up and he's either already in my bed, or sniffing and scratching at the door waiting to be let in. Just the other day I had my dog, my nephew and my sister all in my bed before I'd even had chance to stretch!
Josh has been working in Preston where he stayed at my house (I've just realised I never had the chance to show you all my city home) three days a week instead of commuting. One of the only things I'll miss while I'm staying at home is the three days a week cuddles and comforts of having him around.
We do live in the same town though, so it's not like we're completely separated and I'm looking forward to seeing him on Christmas day. The photo's above were from our trip to the amazing Hotel Gotham in Manchester. Every year he's harder and harder to buy for because I've used up all my good gift ideas already! It's so much easier to buy for myself haha, damn you saaaaales!
So other than filling my days with blogging, dog walking, drawing and resting I'm looking forward to baking some gingerbread cookies and our annual christmas cake 'contest'. We're a creative family and every year we have a bake-off with my auntie, so expect to see some foodie photos in an upcoming post! Last year my friends and I just spent Christmas eve in a pub, typical British adult-stuff.
Mylo pup is enjoying the outdoors though the garden has been a little soggy from the downpour lately, unfortunately this means he has to wear his cosy red coat (one of his worst enemies), I can almost hear the scatter of his paws as I write about it. We had some pretty bad flooding in towns nearby- luckily our patch of land was unaffected. Ahoy!
If anyone needs me between now and January, I'll most likely be on the sofa with a cup of tea. Pass us your red coat Mylo, it's a bit chilly in here.

What are your plans for the holidays? Have you decorated your home yet?
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