Friday 30 December 2016

How to Declutter Your Life

We're on the cusp of the new year and the amount of times I've heard 'new year new me' is still soaring, but it's true! New year really is the time when a lot of us reassess our lives, throw away the old, stale parts of ourselves and our belongings and move on.

I told you in my latest life lately that I'd been throwing away everything that wasn't necessary anymore. This sounds extreme but here me out- I've been such a hoarder all my life. Not quite on the level of the problematic American TLC shows but while rummaging through my drawers the other day I came across a birthday card from three years ago. Surely that isn't good for me. My mum is going to laugh at this post because she knows just how bad it used to be!

As sentimental as a lot of our belongings are, it's actually very refreshing to rid yourself of clutter and what better time to do it than now. Here's how I think of it: everything has a home, and if that home is in the box/drawer of things that you don't know what to do with (c'mon, we all have one) then you don't need it. There are a few questions and rules that helped me to declutter, and though I'm sure I'll have to do the same again one day, they work!
Have you worn/used it in 6 months?
If the answer is no, send it to a better home such as the bin or a charity shop. Obviously there are exceptions for extremely sentimental belongings (this means don't throw away your nans locket just because it isn't in season) but if you forgot you had it until now, or keep promising yourself that you'll need it one day- you don't really need it. 

Is it you?
Who do you want to be? Does this object/item of clothing reflect who you are or who you want to be? In the words of Twitter, is it your aesthetic? Don't keep the keychain your friend got you in Mallorca six years ago just because you feel obliged. If you don't use it or it just isn't you, give it to someone or somewhere that would appreciate it!

Do you own something that looks the same/does the same already?
Guilty as charged, I own a LOT of notebooks and this isn't just because I draw a lot. As a kid I was obsessed with the novelty of having a new notebook (still not sure why) and this old love seems to have followed me into adulthood. Begin buying things only when you need them and not just because you gotta have them all.

Would you buy it now?
Think of these items as if they're on the shelf in a shop. Would you pay for this or choose to buy it now? If you wouldn't, you know what to do! *poo emoji*

Does it have a home?
If the object or clothes in question don't have a home (except maybe the floor or your discarded bottom drawer) then you proooooobably don't really need it. Think about who or where would appreciate it more, or if this object has had it's time. Maybe invest in some quirky storage for the things that don't have a home, but should.

Is it useful?
Ask yourself if the object is all used up. For example storing old magazines is pointless since new, updated issues come out every month and although having a bookshelf full of books is pretty, perhaps you won't read Angus Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging again. With Netflix at our fingertips, we don't really need all of our old DVD's anymore. Lend them to a friend or pass them on to Oxfam. Those shoes you loved so much last year that have holes in could probably do with binning too!

Adopting better buying habits

Something I'm trying my best to do every time I buy is to be considerate of necessity, space and sustainability. You don't have to be a tree hugging hippy to understand that almost every piece of plastic ever created is still on Earth right now. Every Barbie or toy car you had as a kid is still somewhere on the planet, in a landfill. It's quite shocking! 

To limit the amount of clutter in your life and your landfill, really question whether you need it or if there's a better option out there. Who doesn't want the better option? Explore secondhand shops as much as you can and you'd be surprised how easy it is to come across a designer bargain!

eBay is a haven for gorgeous items that people don't want anymore, so you can easily replenish your wardrobe with up to date trends without costing the environment or your living space. Consider trades! Visit swap shops, flea markets, car boots and swap your old things for new things. It's super simple and rewarding. 

What's the weirdest thing you've found while tidying up?

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What I Got for Christmas

The jingling festivities are over for another year (cryin') and I've been stalking everyones blogs to see what they got for Christmas. Since I've enjoyed reading these posts so much I thought I'd do a little one myself for people who like me, are nosey as hell. Firstly I don't want this post to be seen as bragging, it's purely written because I looooove reading hauls and I'm hoping you do too!

Not all of my gifts have been included (for any family members reading this who might be offended), just the ones that were in an arms reach when I decided to take photographs and some I've been using everyday. One gift that I've been wearing down already is my fluffy santa socks with a little plushy santa face on (adorable).

Pictured above is Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Lolita II, Lock-it Foundation in shade Light 46, Avon Gel Shine polish and the amazing Shade & Light Palette. I've been wanting this for so long and my mum kindly got me it! It really lives up to the hype and you can expect a review with some tips in the new year.
Wearing Lock-it Foundation & Shade and Light palette

Traditionally every year my sisters and I get a calendar. I'm not sure who illustrated this one but I absolutely love it- every month has a different inspiring quote done in chalkboard typography! I'd asked for some new drawing inks since the last box I owned was given to me a few years ago and they'd all been used up. Windsor and Newton are my absolute favourite for inks and watercolours.

Gifted to me by my auntie are some Moz Brush Pens which I used in the illustrations in my 'How to Declutter Your Life' post. They run so smoothly and surprisingly don't go through paper of even the thinnest gsm which is crazy since they're so pigmented and colourful!

Would it be Christmas without some Lush products? I've still not got over my love for Lush's Dragon Egg bath bomb which I tried a year ago, then surprised me inside my stocking this year. It has popping candy in it. How amazing!! I've also raved about the R&B hair mask before- santa knows me well. The Sugar Plum Fairy lip scrub is literally good enough to eat as it's made of sugar and oils, tasting of plums and berries. *heart eyes emoji*

Something I never expected to own were these adorable enamel pins from Punky Pins! Since I was little I've been hilariously obsessed with all things alpaca and llama so I squealed a bit when I unwrapped these pins. Praying to the art gods that none of these pins fall of my backpack!

I also got a few books this Christmas. Girl Boss by Sophia Amaruso and The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying graced the stocking this year and I've already started them both. Perfect for inspiration, both books are quite 'heavy' in terms of material- the Tibetan Book is all about learning how to live in the moment, being grateful and delightfully prepared for the imminent death that will meet us all one day (I told you it was heavy) and Girl Boss is really what it says on the tin. So far they're both brilliant.

Also from Punky Pins and part of my daily attire at the moment

This beautiful choker was given to me by my dad and stepmum. It's not too heavy and glitters in the light. Feeling a lot like royalty when I wear it, as a plus it goes with pretty much everything I own! It's such a lovely gift and something I'd definitely have bought myself coming across it in a shop. 

Like I said earlier there are so many lovely, thoughtful gifts that haven't been included here such as vegan chocolate and the worlds cosiest slippers. I feel so spoiled and grateful this year and all years! Seeing family was a highlight of the festive season too as being away at uni can get tiring and lonely sometimes, so it meant a lot to me to be able to spend a whole day with the people I love and miss. Hope you all enjoyed the festive season!

How did you spend Christmas? What was your favourite gift? 

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Sunday 18 December 2016

Compact Duo Review | Timeless Beauty by Joan Collins

If there's one thing a prosecco filled, festive drunk girl doesn't want at the Christmas party, it's lipstick smudged all over her face or a shiny forehead from the sweaty shapes being thrown on the dancefloor. Fear not, I have you covered. Or rather surprisingly, Joan Collins has you covered!

She's a diva, a classic beauty guru and a woman of many talents, one of them is the cosmetics line she has created inspired by the power of women themselves, Hollywood glamour and Art Deco. 

The packaging of this lipstick and powder Compact Duo* is for sure inspired by all of those things. While it's super light to carry in my bag or pocket, it's also a bold gold in colour, luxurious looking and comes with the softest sponge.

The powder in the duo is a standard shade for all yet somehow completely matches my skin. It's skin responsive powder, which I'm sure means it blends itself well to most skin tones. I usually wear two different colours of foundation and this has matched to both!

The puff sponge inside is just the right size to pat a little powder onto my nose, chin and forehead when I need to and surprisingly doesn't make a mess. I've dropped this once (oops) and it didn't crack. Give it time!

Each compact comes with a lipstick that is super moisturising and hydrating. It doesn't dry my lips out or dry on the lips which isn't good for me as I'm forever pulling hair out of my face, but with a little powder on the lips then another layer of lipstick it stays well. 

The colour of this one isn't quite for me, it's too bright but after taking a look at the deep red shade 'Amanda' and dusty pink of 'Marilyn', I would totally purchase a separate lipstick (which also clicks into the compact)! The compact is really high quality product which is what you should expect.

Look how pigmented the lipstick is! This was one swatch. It stains a little when you take it off but only for a while and like any good lipstick. This lil' compact has been coming everywhere with me, I just wish that my other lipsticks would fit into it too!

For the price of £34.00 it's a little on the expensive side, but I'm hoping that Joan Collins can make as big a name for her beauty brand in the industry as any of the already established brands. This really is great quality product, such a brilliant idea (why didn't I think of this first) and you can even get a summer duo if being matte just isn't your thing.

As always, the make-up featured on here is cruelty-free! The product even contains synthetic beeswax instead of the real thing so you know it's vegan too. I'm soooo happy to see brands new and old turning to a cruelty free ethic!

See more of Joan's Timeless Beauty products here.

Do you have anything like this in your bag?

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*this post contains products sent to me for review. All words and opinions are my own!

Compact Duo Review | Timeless Beauty by Joan Collins

If there's one thing a prosecco filled, festive drunk girl doesn't want at the Christmas party, it's lipstick smudged all over her face or a shiny forehead from the sweaty shapes being thrown on the dancefloor. Fear not, I have you covered. 

Or rather surprisingly, Joan Collins has you covered.

She's a diva, a classic beauty guru and a woman of many talents, one of them is the cosmetics line she has created inspired by the power of women themselves, Hollywood glamour and Art Deco. The packaging of this lipstick and powder Compact Duo is for sure inspired by all of those things. While it's super light to carry in my bag or pocket, it's also a bold gold in colour, luxurious looking and comes with the softest sponge.

The powder in the duo is a standard shade for all yet somehow completely matches my skin. It's skin responsive powder, which I'm sure means it blends itself well to most skin tones. I usually wear two different colours of foundation and this has matched to both!

The puff sponge inside is just the right size to pat a little powder onto my nose, chin and forehead when I need to and surprisingly doesn't make a mess. I've dropped this once (oops) and it didn't crack. Give it time!

Each compact comes with a lipstick that is super moisturising and hydrating. It doesn't dry my lips out or dry on the lips which isn't good for me as I'm forever pulling hair out of my face, but with a little powder on the lips then another layer of lipstick it stays well. 

The colour of this one isn't quite for me, it's too bright but after taking a look at the deep red shade 'Amanda' and dusty pink of 'Marilyn', I would totally purchase a separate lipstick (which also clicks into the compact)! The compact is really high quality product which is what you should expect.

Look how pigmented the lipstick is! This was one swatch. It stains a little when you take it off but only for a while and like any good lipstick. This lil' compact has been coming everywhere with me, I just wish that my other lipsticks would fit into it too!

For the price of £34.00 it's a little on the expensive side, but I'm hoping that Joan Collins can make as big a name for her beauty brand in the industry as any of the already established brands. This really is great quality product, such a brilliant idea (why didn't I think of this first) and you can even get a summer duo if being matte just isn't your thing.

As always, the make-up featured on here is cruelty-free! The product even contains synthetic beeswax instead of the real thing so you know it's vegan too. I'm soooo happy to see brands new and old turning to a cruelty free ethic!

See more of Joan's Timeless Beauty products here.

Do you have anything like this in your bag?

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Thursday 15 December 2016

Life Lately | Exciting Things, Expressing Myself & RHCP

Zoella interview photograph

It's been madness here for the last couple of weeks, hence why the short time away from my sacred lil corner of the internet had to happen. *cries* This blog took a back seat at the start of the month to make way for deadlines, critiques, meeting 'clients' (design agencies handing out our new university briefs) and some self-reflection.

That isn't to say there hasn't been some times where I've had a break, Alex and I have been trying to make the most of our weekends now and decided to head out to the Kendal Print Fair last week! It was amazing to see so many talented people working in the Lakes and left me feeling inspired to start making stuff again. 

Sunset porn has been a regular thing on the weekends off too, there's something different about Winter sunsets than Summer ones, right? Crazy how nature than throw out so many colours, well, naturally. 

Sunset in Kendal

I've been self reflecting a little on who I want to be and where I want to be, not that I'm unhappy with who and where I am now but there's something missing. Life has become too cluttered with things that aren't necessary and it's been so distracting from who I actually am and made me question what I really care about. 

The other day I decluttered every piece of make-up storage in the room and threw out what wasn't needed, threw out everything that I didn't like or hadn't worn/used in months. Honestly, it felt so good to throw a bunch of stuff away for the first time ever! Usually clutter is my forté (not kidding, even when I play The Sims I just 'Clutter' stuff) but having it off my back was a breath of fresh air. 

Deciding from now on I'm going to buy responsibly and try to use swap shops, second hand stores and choose to keep only things I really, really like! Hopefully this will help me to feel like I can express myself more.

girl with tattoos in red

Zoella graced the cover of Blogosphere Magazine Issue 11, the issue that I was shortlisted for the 'In the Spotlight' feature, given to the honestly kick ass, girl-boss, Tara. Albertine from Blogosphere got in touch with me after the Bloggers Blog Awards and asked if I could do a write up of the event for them so of course I jumped at it!

It wasn't until they announced to the public who was going to be the main feature of the Issue that I found out and boyyyyy what an awesome feeling! Everyone who has been on the cover of Blogosphere is so good at what they do, but getting to have my writing (and goofy face) in a magazine with the queen of Youtube was a pretty ace feeling. Thanks for having me!

writing in magazine the scarlet state

zoella in blogosphere magazine

Last week I also headed to an awards ceremony for the Cumbria Police force and heard some gruesome but inspiring stories. My dad was awarded too that night (I got to hold the trophy, heck yea),  it meant a lot that me and my two sisters got to hang out for the night as I've not seen them in a while so that was loooooovely.

Last night we saw Baby Metal the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Manchester and it was like nothing I've ever seen before! So amaaaazing, the light show was crazy. Perhaps an even better gig than the set they played at Leeds Festival (which was also amaze).

red hot chilli peppers

For down time I've been binging Planet Earth, the Make it Then Tell Everybody podcasts, Fran Meneses' youtube videos, Westworld, Karl Watson's documentaries and Lovesick!

There's only one deadline looming at me this week, but a stressful one nonetheless and I'm looking forward more than ever to Christmas even though there's an essay due in straight after! Secretly hoping that this is the brunt of third year but something tells me there's more to come. Oh well haha. 

Spirits are high and motivation to work isn't something I'm having to hunt down and grab by the neck at the moment so that's nice, it's always good to have a moment in your element to remind you that you CAN do it again in the future! *throws glitter*

What have you been up to lately? Have you ever thought about decluttering?



Life Lately | Exciting Things, Expressing Myself & RHCP

Zoella interview photograph

It's been madness here for the last couple of weeks, hence why the short time away from my sacred lil corner of the internet had to happen. *cries* This blog took a back seat at the start of the month to make way for deadlines, critiques, meeting 'clients' (design agencies handing out our new university briefs) and some self-reflection.

That isn't to say there hasn't been some times where I've had a break, Alex and I have been trying to make the most of our weekends now and decided to head out to the Kendal Print Fair last week! It was amazing to see so many talented people working in the Lakes and left me feeling inspired to start making stuff again. 

Sunset porn has been a regular thing on the weekends off too, there's something different about Winter sunsets than Summer ones, right? Crazy how nature than throw out so many colours, well, naturally. 

Sunset in Kendal

I've been self reflecting a little on who I want to be and where I want to be, not that I'm unhappy with who and where I am now but there's something missing. Life has become too cluttered with things that aren't necessary and it's been so distracting from who I actually am and made me question what I really care about. 

The other day I decluttered every piece of make-up storage in the room and threw out what wasn't needed, threw out everything that I didn't like or hadn't worn/used in months. Honestly, it felt so good to throw a bunch of stuff away for the first time ever! Usually clutter is my forté (not kidding, even when I play The Sims I just 'Clutter' stuff) but having it off my back was a breath of fresh air. 

Deciding from now on I'm going to buy responsibly and try to use swap shops, second hand stores and choose to keep only things I really, really like! Hopefully this will help me to feel like I can express myself more.

girl with tattoos in red

Zoella graced the cover of Blogosphere Magazine Issue 11, the issue that I was shortlisted for the 'In the Spotlight' feature, given to the honestly kick ass, girl-boss, Tara. Albertine from Blogosphere got in touch with me after the Bloggers Blog Awards and asked if I could do a write up of the event for them so of course I jumped at it!

It wasn't until they announced to the public who was going to be the main feature of the Issue that I found out and boyyyyy what an awesome feeling! Everyone who has been on the cover of Blogosphere is so good at what they do, but getting to have my writing (and goofy face) in a magazine with the queen of Youtube was a pretty ace feeling. Thanks for having me!

writing in magazine the scarlet state

zoella in blogosphere magazine

Last week I also headed to an awards ceremony for the Cumbria Police force and heard some gruesome but inspiring stories. My dad was awarded too that night (I got to hold the trophy, heck yea),  it meant a lot that me and my two sisters got to hang out for the night as I've not seen them in a while so that was loooooovely.

Last night we saw Baby Metal the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Manchester and it was like nothing I've ever seen before! So amaaaazing, the light show was crazy. Perhaps an even better gig than the set they played at Leeds Festival (which was also amaze).

For down time I've been binging Planet Earth, the Make it Then Tell Everybody podcasts, Fran Meneses' youtube videos, Westworld, Karl Watson's documentaries and Lovesick!

There's only one deadline looming at me this week, but a stressful one nonetheless and I'm looking forward more than ever to Christmas even though there's an essay due in straight after! Secretly hoping that this is the brunt of third year but something tells me there's more to come. Oh well haha. 

Spirits are high and motivation to work isn't something I'm having to hunt down and grab by the neck at the moment so that's nice, it's always good to have a moment in your element to remind you that you CAN do it again in the future! *throws glitter*

What have you been up to lately? Have you ever thought about decluttering?

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Tuesday 13 December 2016

A Peek Inside my Sketchbook, Process & Style

Typically, illustrators are the most secretive and introverted when it comes to showing others what's between the two covers of their sketchbook. We're perfectly happy to show you the finished outcomes, the polished pieces crafted after drawing and painstaking hours on Photoshop, but even in critiques I've seen (and done this myself) illustrators panic when the client turns to a page that is full of messy ideas and scribbles that they won't understand.

I say NOOOOO let's not be ashamed anymore! Show us your scribbles! Show us the drawing you did of your lecturer in class, show us the reminders and colour palettes that you blobbed all over the page without realising it had gone through the page. Show us the mistakes you make before that finished piece so we know that we're not alone.

I thought it'd be fun to show you the inside view of a project I've been working on non-stop: a veggie calendar. The aim of the calendar is to educate people that want to go vegan or vegetarian in 2017 and help them along with challenges, illustrate facts that lie at the bottom of each month to raise awareness and provide you with a beautiful organiser for the year. Not everything in this post will make sense until you see the finished outcomes and be sure to congratulate yourself if you can read my handwriting haha.

There's also a few irrelevant doodles in here just for fun:

I've been working primarily in watercolour lately, it just feels so natural- like when I painted as a kid. I remember my mum gifting me a set of Windsor and Newton watercolours when I was around 10 and to me, that was what you painted with. Over the years I've experimented with acrylics (a lot), gouache, watercolour pencils and pastels (my horrible old friend) but watercolour is the media that always feels most natural!

Actually, this may be the first time I've learned how to use them 'properly', it's all about layering and layering and layering, though this means I need to invest in some better watercolour paper. A lot of this paper is just scraps or sketchbook but the larger paintings are done on the good stuff.

A little of my thinking process is about collating everything you know about the topic into words (for me, words are a large part of my latest projects so this helps with that too), but if you write things down first you can pick out the fact from the fiction, see where you've misremembered information and put it all into your own words. Doing this also gives me a base to begin my artwork on!

After a little grafting my attention span drifts so it's common to find a bunch of crappy doodles lying around which I try to justify as practice instead of procrastination haha. Gotta make a mess sometimes, right?

Birds of Paradise are some of the most beautiful creatures on the planet! I'd been watching Planet Earth (if you've been watching it you'll know the scene I'm referencing ;) ) and later that same week got to visit a museum in the Lake District where they had birds of paradise. This is a little one I photographed then quickly painted at home.

Colour palettes are something I need to be constantly making, so it's good to keep a camera handy or some coloured pencils to 'save' the best combinations.

There's plenty more than that but unfortunately I'm too messy and the other pieces are strewn across rooms, in drawers and on desks in two different buildings! As a class we're holding an exhibition in Preston this Friday, so I might take a camera along and vlog it. Seeing everyone's styles and hard work side by side is going to be wooooonderful. Definitely head over if you get the chance!

Do you like to make things? What do you like to work with the most? Also send me links of your work so I can stalk 'em.

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p.s: I have an art instagram now! It's here if you'd like to see more of my process

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