Thursday 15 December 2016

Life Lately | Exciting Things, Expressing Myself & RHCP

Zoella interview photograph

It's been madness here for the last couple of weeks, hence why the short time away from my sacred lil corner of the internet had to happen. *cries* This blog took a back seat at the start of the month to make way for deadlines, critiques, meeting 'clients' (design agencies handing out our new university briefs) and some self-reflection.

That isn't to say there hasn't been some times where I've had a break, Alex and I have been trying to make the most of our weekends now and decided to head out to the Kendal Print Fair last week! It was amazing to see so many talented people working in the Lakes and left me feeling inspired to start making stuff again. 

Sunset porn has been a regular thing on the weekends off too, there's something different about Winter sunsets than Summer ones, right? Crazy how nature than throw out so many colours, well, naturally. 

Sunset in Kendal

I've been self reflecting a little on who I want to be and where I want to be, not that I'm unhappy with who and where I am now but there's something missing. Life has become too cluttered with things that aren't necessary and it's been so distracting from who I actually am and made me question what I really care about. 

The other day I decluttered every piece of make-up storage in the room and threw out what wasn't needed, threw out everything that I didn't like or hadn't worn/used in months. Honestly, it felt so good to throw a bunch of stuff away for the first time ever! Usually clutter is my forté (not kidding, even when I play The Sims I just 'Clutter' stuff) but having it off my back was a breath of fresh air. 

Deciding from now on I'm going to buy responsibly and try to use swap shops, second hand stores and choose to keep only things I really, really like! Hopefully this will help me to feel like I can express myself more.

girl with tattoos in red

Zoella graced the cover of Blogosphere Magazine Issue 11, the issue that I was shortlisted for the 'In the Spotlight' feature, given to the honestly kick ass, girl-boss, Tara. Albertine from Blogosphere got in touch with me after the Bloggers Blog Awards and asked if I could do a write up of the event for them so of course I jumped at it!

It wasn't until they announced to the public who was going to be the main feature of the Issue that I found out and boyyyyy what an awesome feeling! Everyone who has been on the cover of Blogosphere is so good at what they do, but getting to have my writing (and goofy face) in a magazine with the queen of Youtube was a pretty ace feeling. Thanks for having me!

writing in magazine the scarlet state

zoella in blogosphere magazine

Last week I also headed to an awards ceremony for the Cumbria Police force and heard some gruesome but inspiring stories. My dad was awarded too that night (I got to hold the trophy, heck yea),  it meant a lot that me and my two sisters got to hang out for the night as I've not seen them in a while so that was loooooovely.

Last night we saw Baby Metal the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Manchester and it was like nothing I've ever seen before! So amaaaazing, the light show was crazy. Perhaps an even better gig than the set they played at Leeds Festival (which was also amaze).

red hot chilli peppers

For down time I've been binging Planet Earth, the Make it Then Tell Everybody podcasts, Fran Meneses' youtube videos, Westworld, Karl Watson's documentaries and Lovesick!

There's only one deadline looming at me this week, but a stressful one nonetheless and I'm looking forward more than ever to Christmas even though there's an essay due in straight after! Secretly hoping that this is the brunt of third year but something tells me there's more to come. Oh well haha. 

Spirits are high and motivation to work isn't something I'm having to hunt down and grab by the neck at the moment so that's nice, it's always good to have a moment in your element to remind you that you CAN do it again in the future! *throws glitter*

What have you been up to lately? Have you ever thought about decluttering?



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