Friday 17 March 2017

Life Lately | Away With the Fairies, Busy as Hell

As you know, even the smallest of hiatus here concludes with a catch up! It's been a long three weeks since I touched base in my corner of the internet which is crazy, since I was so regularly posting content for a good while. Being in the 'real world' without time to blog made it feel like a bigger chunk of my life was missing than there actually has been but it was nice to give attention to other things. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and how I've missed this little space! The truth is, I've been so busy for the last month that once my last assignment deadline was over, I simply needed a break, some time to recharge my creative batteries. 

I'd been working daily on the cover of To Kill a Mockingbird for a Penguin Design brief and as most of my creative energy was focussed on that, even after the deadline passed I needed time to chilllllllll HARD. I'm going to do a sketchbook update for you guys this weekend with lots of new photos! Here's my latest one incase you missed out!

Here are some other things that happened while I was away:

  1. Deep thought about happiness and positivity, what it is that keeps me going aside from hobbies or jobs. It feels like every couple of months I go through a weird period of reflecting and changing, does anybody else do this?
  2. Reconnecting with family that I should see more often (the picture above is from a little lunch trip with my dad- we headed into the Lake District for the afternoon. It's the bottom of a  small but loud waterfall)
  3. A visit home to see my mum, pup, nephew and sisters
  4. I got sick. If you follow me on Twitter, at the start of the month you'll have witnessed me moaning endlessly about my throat and chest haha, I even lost my voice which has only ever happened to me once!
  5. I helped a loved one through a hard time, which deserved most of my attention
  6. The rearranging of my bedroom. It's now a cosy little utopia with my bed in the corner *angel emoji*
  7. I looked for graduate jobs because graduation is in July, eeeeeek! send help
  8. Helping my housemate Robyn set up a blog which I can't wait to share with you all, she's so interesting and blummin' lovely.
  9. Discovering my illustration style more and subtly trying out new things
  10. Attended SoLita's private room opening with the beautiful Lily, Claire and some press. We ate vegan burgers and I definitely drank more rosé than my tolerance allows!
  11. I bought some awesome gold hoop earrings (like the ones that Regina George wouldn't let Gretchen wear, I imagine)

It's been the most packed few weeks of the year so far, making this month FLY BY. How is it nearly the end of March already?! It's my 21st birthday on the 25th, a Saturday, woo hoo! I remember hunting down my twenty-first on the calendar as a young teen and wondering what I'd be like by then, what I would do for it, imagining how grown up I would be, etc...

Now I know that I'm still a kid inside, only with a couple more qualifications (and somehow just as many questions) but, I still have 0 plans except for a couple of pub drinks with my friends. I'm one of those people who's more than happy to just chill out on their birthday- it's all good as long as I'm in a good mood (pretty sure I will be)! 

There's a few posts planned for the coming week where I'll elaborate on some of the things in this post, that I hope you'll like reading, so this catch up is short but sweet! There's even the first ever guest post on TSS, so keep your eye out for that super soon too.

I'd love to know what you've been up to for the last few weeks, has this year been good to you so far?



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