Wednesday 8 July 2015

Hidden Treasures: The Secret Garden

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I had been working in Preston for our upcoming comic '3 Parts Mad' and decided to grab a sandwich from the deli when we finished. A few doors down there's a little red shop called The Secret Garden which I've been meaning to go in for about a year or more. The outside is usually adorned with tiny cacti, bunches of flowers and I'm sure I've seen the odd painted wheelbarrow before but it was a pretty rainy day and although a few of the usual flowers had been taken in, it still looked fantastic.
I have an obsession with cacti and little house plants, (preferably ones that I can't kill or that don't die when I forget to water them haha) and it's so hard for me to resist an addition to my jungle of a windowsill. I went in with the intention of just looking around but when you walk into a treasure trove like this, it's hard to leave without a piece of the gold.

The decor was awesome and it smelled beautiful! I could honestly work in this shop with no question about it; I have hay fever and asthma but because it wasn't an overpowering flower-shop I was fine! It really lived up to the name of 'secret garden' with a London telephone box hidden in plain sight and some old red scales (humungous scales I might add) covered in flowers and baskets. When we walked up to the bookshelf covered in candles a lovely lady with round glasses came up to us and offered us some millionaires shortbread that the other customers had brought in for her. Made me smile to say the least! After fumbling about with the small spikeys and the fluffy plants I found a pretty succulent in an organic pot that I wanted to take home.
Jerry (aye, we named it) is currently living on the kitchen windowsill in its wrapper until I can take it home, where it'll live among the Jar and other little decor plants (read about the Jar and it's purpose here).
The lady packaged it so beautifully even though she was taking a phone call at the time. It's crazy how much a little greenery can brighten up a room or add the finishing touches to an interior design. The Secret Garden is definitely a hidden treasure of Preston! You can see their Facebook page here. If you're ever passing by I'd recommend dropping in, it might just brighten your day.

Is there anywhere near you that you'd consider a 'hidden' treasure? Where should I visit next?



  1. This put such a smile on my face! It always feels so nice to discover special places like this in your own home town, makes you think that there's so much more out there that we don't even know about. Plus how can pretty plants and greenery not make everything so much better? :P Great post, hope you have a wonderful day lovely!!

    -Nabeela xo

  2. The Secret Garden is also the name of a very cute little book. If you ever have the time, you should read it. I really liked it myself. I love how you named the plant haha. I hope Jerry is still doing well.

    xx Izzy | Qthee

    1. Ah I read that book a couple of times when I was little and recently bought a copy from an old book shop! He's doing fantastically well ;) Going to have to take him on the train tonight haha! Thanks Izzy xx


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