Wednesday 30 September 2015

Why You Should Date Yourself

Time to break the silence! I recently, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, took an 'accidental hiatus' from social media and general life which has actually done a world of good for me. So why the hiatus? As a long term alone-a-phobe, I decided it was time to force myself into some alone time and actually try to enjoy it. Technically, I 'dated myself' for a while. It's not like I was away from everyone the whole time but I took time to learn the difference between alone and lonely while spending time with myself. 

Sometimes being wrapped up in a world where communication is at our very fingertips all the time (literally), things can get overwhelming; people to please, reply to, constantly wondering why someone has read your message and not replied or feeling guilty for not scheduling that morning blog post- I decided it was time to be selfish and chuck all of it out of the window (that was not so literal). 

Taking a short time out surprisingly made me learn about myself. Just when you think you know yourself, eh? My opinions on topics without the influence of other people developed and changed, I didn't feel the need to broadcast everything and having some sense of personal privacy was a plus! We unconsciously find ourselves dwelling on topics enraging Twitter users, lines from blog posts that we agree or disagree with and without knowing, go along with a vast majority of opinions. The internet is a blessing and a curse, it's kind of like being in a 24/7 relationship with the rest of the world which sometimes prevents us from taking time out for ourselves. 

As I said before, the difference between lonely and alone was often blurred for me. Feeling lost without wi-fi or a friend to talk to- realising that I could 'date myself' for a week was awesome. 
I visited Leeds with my boyfriend and best friend, went to the Catalina Wine Mixer at Get Baked (which I'll write a post about soon!) and after dropping Josh off at the station the next day, explored Leeds alone- a city that I'd only ever visited once before. 
I took myself to a vintage fair, after talking to a homeless man named Charlie. I sat down with him and talked to him about his dogs who he rescued from public abuse and harm. We chatted about what I was doing in Leeds and what I was studying at uni, in return he told me about the nearest museums and art galleries and pointed out the Vintage Fair, so I thanked him and asked if he wanted any money. He gave me a firm handshake and I was on my way to the Vintage Fair where there were pin up dancers and amazing clothing stalls galore, a little like the Retro Rendezvous Festival! 

Shortly after I made my way to the Henry Moore art gallery, alone, to look at the exhibit (finding out that Henry Moore is not my kinda artist). I then explored the streets a little, as it was Sunday, most public places were closed so I headed back to meet my best friend at her flat and then got the train back to Preston.
This is just one example of how I 'dated myself' while I was gone! You can do anything from taking yourself to the cinema, having a hot bath, exploring a new city, buying yourself flowers or just looking up from your phone for a day. If I hadn't have looked up from my phone I'd never have met Charlie, who said that I'd made his day as the police were about to move him on as we sat down to talk!

It's these little things that really open your eyes to your own true nature. 
You are yourself when you're by yourself. I dare you to try it, just for a day! Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely, it's all about finding that perfect balance. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know of something you like to do alone!

Saturday 12 September 2015

BACK TO UNI #1 | Planning and Goals

Whether you're reading this post as someone who's been to uni and is going back or someone who's starting uni for the first time, I have some tips that might help make it a lot easier. I should start by mentioning that this post is going to be a series of 3 that I'll publish at intervals through September and early October. You can follow me on Bloglovin' here so that you don't miss a post! This particular one focuses on planning and goals.

One of the best ways to feel organised and get organised is to think of your goals and plan them out- whether that's project deadlines, personal goals like reading a book for your essay or actually writing that essay with time to spare. I'll be honest- I'm the worst for time management and I'm super messy, even though I love feeling organised. I totally need to work on the way I handle things if I want better grades this year so here's some tips I came up with to help!

Break down your goal
Separate it into days or weeks, then page numbers you want to reach each day/week, or drawings you want to do per day, how much research you'd like to do each day or what number on your word count you're aiming for.
    Get yourself a planner
    This way you can see your goals out in front of you and check them off as you go. Always allow time for proofreading, editing or correcting! You don't want to hit the day of deadline, realise that you've done all of your work but not checked through. An awesome printable one can be found here.
      Allow a lot of breaks
      Don't forget to schedule in a couple of days off. If you overwork yourself you can end up sick, stressed and not working to your full potential, then what's the point of working at all? Let yourself chill out.
        Reward yourself
        If you can help it, don't jump straight into the next task! It's tempting when you're on a roll but go out, take a train somewhere for the day or treat yourself to a full bottle of wine (whatever you've missed while you were working so hard!) and you'll feel more motivated to work towards your next deadline.

          Good luck to anyone starting uni this month, you're going to have the time of your life, meet lots of new people and learn more about yourself than you ever even wanted to! You can read my 10 tips for surviving first year here.

          Let me know if you have any more tips on goals and planning, I'd like to read them in the comments!
          You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

          BACK TO UNI #1 | Planning and Goals

          Whether you're reading this post as someone who's been to uni and is going back or someone who's starting uni for the first time, I have some tips that might help make it a lot easier. I should start by mentioning that this post is going to be a series of 3 that I'll publish at intervals through September and early October. You can follow me on Bloglovin' here so that you don't miss a post! This particular one focuses on planning and goals.

          One of the best ways to feel organised and get organised is to think of your goals and plan them out- whether that's project deadlines, personal goals like reading a book for your essay or actually writing that essay with time to spare. I'll be honest- I'm the worst for time management and I'm super messy, even though I love feeling organised. I totally need to work on the way I handle things if I want better grades this year so here's some tips I came up with to help!

          Break down your goal
          Separate it into days or weeks, then page numbers you want to reach each day/week, or drawings you want to do per day, how much research you'd like to do each day or what number on your word count you're aiming for.
            Get yourself a planner
            This way you can see your goals out in front of you and check them off as you go. Always allow time for proofreading, editing or correcting! You don't want to hit the day of deadline, realise that you've done all of your work but not checked through. An awesome printable one can be found here.
              Allow a lot of breaks
              Don't forget to schedule in a couple of days off. If you overwork yourself you can end up sick, stressed and not working to your full potential, then what's the point of working at all? Let yourself chill out.
                Reward yourself
                If you can help it, don't jump straight into the next task! It's tempting when you're on a roll but go out, take a train somewhere for the day or treat yourself to a full bottle of wine (whatever you've missed while you were working so hard!) and you'll feel more motivated to work towards your next deadline.

                  Good luck to anyone starting uni this month, you're going to have the time of your life, meet lots of new people and learn more about yourself than you ever even wanted to! You can read my 10 tips for surviving first year here.

                  Let me know if you have any more tips on goals and planning, I'd like to read them in the comments!
                  You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

                  Thursday 10 September 2015

                  HAIR | Removing Red, Blue Coming Through

                  If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I've been through a couple of changes recently! After being red for a good 3-4 years I was a little sick of the lack-lustre colour and decided to switch it up. Blue has always attracted me as it's such a calm colour, though I'll probably always feel like a fiery redhead at heart. I know that removing colour from hair is something people struggle with (especially red) so here's how I did it!

                  First I stripped it, but as red dye goes into the hair instead of just on it, it stayed a pretty bad ginger colour, which was when we had to get my old foe bleach involved. Damn you peroxide! I bleached it with the help of a friend and after washing it all thoroughly, put conditioner in the lengths and kept it on overnight. My hair was pretty soft in the morning and hardly felt damaged at all!
                  The next day I bleached it again with the help of a different friend (yep, we all had a good go) and finally managed to get most of the ginge-tinge out, leaving it a weird blonde colour as you can see in the middle photo above. The black dye then went on (this is when I basically pooped myself. No regrets). Black was brushed into the roots and the hair that lays over my head, knowing that it would wash down into some of the rest of my lengths anyway. 

                  If you're going to dye half of your hair always remember to wash your hair while holding the ends in the air so that the darker dye doesn't run into them! The ache will be worth it.

                  My favourite and carefully selected blue dye was then slapped onto the remaining bleached hair and over some of the black (to create a blue tint) then left for half an hour (double the recommended time). I'm only using a semi-permanent dye for the blue as finding a permanent one is near to impossible! Here's hoping that mixing the dye in with my conditioner will make it last longer. This is the finished result!
                  I slept in blue tinted conditioner so my hair would feel less damaged and contemplated cutting the ends off again to refresh it but to be honest, it's not all that damaged despite the peroxide hammering it took! 

                  I know it's not quite winter colour time yet but since I chopped my hair off in this post, I've felt confident with branching out into different styles and colours. I'm thinking of keeping this blue for quite a while but already have more colours in mind for the future now I'm over the fear of losing the red. Make room red, Blue coming through.

                  Let me know what you think of this colour or if you have any dye brand recommendations! 
                  You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

                  HAIR | Removing Red, Blue Coming Through

                  If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I've been through a couple of changes recently! After being red for a good 3-4 years I was a little sick of the lack-lustre colour and decided to switch it up. Blue has always attracted me as it's such a calm colour, though I'll probably always feel like a fiery redhead at heart. I know that removing colour from hair is something people struggle with (especially red) so here's how I did it!

                  First I stripped it, but as red dye goes into the hair instead of just on it, it stayed a pretty bad ginger colour, which was when we had to get my old foe bleach involved. Damn you peroxide! I bleached it with the help of a friend and after washing it all thoroughly, put conditioner in the lengths and kept it on overnight. My hair was pretty soft in the morning and hardly felt damaged at all!
                  The next day I bleached it again with the help of a different friend (yep, we all had a good go) and finally managed to get most of the ginge-tinge out, leaving it a weird blonde colour as you can see in the middle photo above. The black dye then went on (this is when I basically pooped myself. No regrets). Black was brushed into the roots and the hair that lays over my head, knowing that it would wash down into some of the rest of my lengths anyway. 

                  If you're going to dye half of your hair always remember to wash your hair while holding the ends in the air so that the darker dye doesn't run into them! The ache will be worth it.

                  My favourite and carefully selected blue dye was then slapped onto the remaining bleached hair and over some of the black (to create a blue tint) then left for half an hour (double the recommended time). I'm only using a semi-permanent dye for the blue as finding a permanent one is near to impossible! Here's hoping that mixing the dye in with my conditioner will make it last longer. This is the finished result!
                  I slept in blue tinted conditioner so my hair would feel less damaged and contemplated cutting the ends off again to refresh it but to be honest, it's not all that damaged despite the peroxide hammering it took! 

                  I know it's not quite winter colour time yet but since I chopped my hair off in this post, I've felt confident with branching out into different styles and colours. I'm thinking of keeping this blue for quite a while but already have more colours in mind for the future now I'm over the fear of losing the red. Make room red, Blue coming through.

                  Let me know what you think of this colour or if you have any dye brand recommendations! 
                  You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

                  Wednesday 9 September 2015

                  Week Journal #1 Coffee Dates & Catching Up

                  Last Tuesday was one of the most eventful days I've had since 'Robbing a bank with the Joker', as it started with an 8am get up and it was all lights on green from there. Josh and I headed to the bank to open a business account before heading to grab coffee together, music shop errand-running then a light trek to the cinema, where we FINALLY got to see the much anticipated 'Inside Out'!

                  Lucky me, I got treated to my coffee and cinema ticket, feeling super special and smug about it we chose to sit at the back of the cinema, even though there were only 3 other people in there with us. I love feeling so high up and if I wanted to watch a movie on a close screen I could just stream it at home, am I right? As I said in this post, Josh and I plan time with each other so we don't miss out, even if it's between errand running!

                  Inside Out was such a brilliant movie. If you haven't seen it yet then put it on your list, it's been a while since I've sat back and enjoyed an animated movie- though I adore Pixar. If I had to be any of the characters it'd definitely be Joy, probably sprinkled with a little Disgust ;)
                  Josh is in a band so we headed to our local music shop to sort out some bits and pieces for practicing and shows, then we hitched a lift home with a friend spotted in a car park (at first, we intended to jump in his car and pretend we were robbing him but we were too slow) and I headed to meet my dad's side of the family for dinner.
                  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, my gran is in a home so we held dinner there. I ate everything from sushi to macarons! Seriously, I need to learn how to bake those. 
                  My dad got married on the Saturday after this (a couple of days ago from when you're reading this) so this was a chance for his mum to meet his wife's parents before the big day (which I'll be writing about soon too!) The wedding was held deep in the Lake District, surrounded by beautiful mountains which I can't wait to show you all in photos.

                  I'm also super excited to announce that I'll be guest posting on Tattooed Tealady in early 2016. Sophia runs one of my favourite blogs and is currently expecting, so keep your eyes peeled for baby bits on her blog! You can read my post on my nephew, Alfie here.

                  What have you been up to lately? Expect more blog posts this week, I've been a little busy!
                  You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

                  Saturday 5 September 2015

                  4 Goals for September

                  Hello lovelies! We're a few days into September already and I still can't believe how quickly this year is going. It's been an awesome year so far so I'm planning on fighting to the end of it to make it the best it can be. I always feel kind of crazy when it gets to this time of year, planning and trying to sort everything out before I get busy until Christmas. 
                  I've written a few small goals for this month to keep myself motivated. I might not achieve all of them  but it'll be such a great feeling if I do!

                  1. Attend a Burlesque class every Monday. After watching Burlesque a million times I've decided to take a leap and join a class every Monday in a town near my University. Don't worry, I won't be getting my tata's out as seen on Miley in this post but jumping about in glittery outfits as a way to keep fit and do something just for myself would be pretty fun. 
                  2. Get 2:1's on all of my projects. 2:1 is a great grade on the course that I'm on and I really want to try hard. Obviously it'd be nice to get 1st's but lets aim for a more realistic option for now!
                  3. Sell 30 more copies of 3 Parts Mad. If you haven't heard already from my constant telling, my boyfriend and I have created a comic book together that's on sale online (see the site here). All of the money goes into printing the second issue, we're hoping to breakeven so that it will pay for itself!
                  4. Reach 100 Bloglovin' followers. Peanuts in the big bad blogging world but it's still crazy to think that 100 people might want to read my blog. Thank you to everyone that follows me already!
                  So I've kept it simple this month, but all of these things add up to larger things in the long run! I'll let you know at the end of the month how many I achieved!

                  Do you have any goals for September? 
                  You can follow me on Bloglovin' Twitter 

                  Wednesday 2 September 2015

                  Taboo Talk #2 | Miley's Nipples & Double Standards

                  Forgive me, lovely followers- usually, what's going on in Hollywood is of utter unimportance to me. Celebrities to diet trends, nothing matters but this topic made me mad, like real mad. Even if you're not a fan of Miley or have no opinion on the girl, read on anyway! Hear me out.

                  Yesterday it came to my attention that there were lots of articles circulating about Miley's nipple slip at the VMA's and just her usual dress code; skin on show, crazy hair and scarce coverage for her breasts. During presenting the VMA's (which I didn't actually watch, just to clarify, but I've seen snippets) she 'accidentally' flashed her nipple to the camera and the whole internet is in uproar over it. With complaints being filed to MTV, every website has something to say about it.

                  My opinion is that it's just a nipple, but my point is that if this was a male nipple, say for example Justin Bieber's, everyone would either be ogling over him or saying nothing on the subject. See my post on another taboo topic in the media here.

                  Think about this. At the MTV Movie Awards last year,  Zac Efron stripped off on stage in front of a similar crowd (age group, viewers, same channel and an awards ceremony) for best shirtless performance and I can't find a single complaint that was filed to the studio because of it. Whereas this year, Miley dressed in 'racy' (see Barbarella) outfits for hosting and her nipple was accidentally shown on camera to a live audience.
                  Bare in mind that she was backstage and partially hiding behind a curtain when this happened... Zac Efron was on stage having his shirt torn off by Rita Ora while flexing his muscles to the crowd.
                  Complaints were filed about only one case and there are no prizes for guessing which.

                  Aren't we sick of these double standards by now? It's a nipple. Nipples are nipples. Nipples aren't sexual objects, nor are they something to be ashamed of. Is that enough nipples for you? This argument goes hand in hand with the fight over public breastfeeding.  A mon avis, Miley rocks for putting herself out there however she wants- she doesn't want to be a role model but her work with the minority communities and the way she's branded herself as an artist and human being screams awesome to me.

                  Girls- if you want to wear 'racy' outfits and show a little skin then by all means do it. Don't let society and backward culture say men can do it and you can't. It might just be a nipple but it's part of the race that hasn't quite reached the finish yet- equality. 

                  Did you watch the VMA's? What do you think of this issue? 
                  You can find me on 

                  Tuesday 1 September 2015

                  Personal Lip Colour Creations | Make-Up and DIY

                  Pssst... keep this between us, but what if I told you that you could take two lipsticks and make three, four or even five different lip colours? What if you added a third lipstick into the mix? Imagine all of the possibilities! Here's the secret: you can.
                  As an artist and a generally educated human being, I started playing around with colour mixes at the age of about 5. The world of colour is out there and waiting to be discovered- did you know that we only have 3 'colour cones' (receptors) in our eyes and therefore can only see a mix of those colours? Mantis Shrimp have 12 colour receptors, so can see a whole psychedelic rainbow of colours that's beyond our comprehension, imagine the lipstick on that one, folks!

                  To keep it simple, I'm showing you some colour creations for the upcoming season, Autumn (or fall for you crazy Americans) and some dupes that you can make on the go. Ranging from peachy pink for the wide-eyed early birds, to reds and purples for the classy lady. The best thing about creating your own personal colours is tailoring them to your skin tone for an award-winning finish.

                  For all of these colours, you will need:
                  • A small, or large lipstick collection
                  • A lip brush
                  • Pressed powder
                  First, (optional) prime your lips by gently exfoliating the dry parts away. You can use granulated sugar and a dab of honey for this then lick it off afterwards. Then apply a tiny, tiny amount of lip balm then dab a little foundation over your lips to make a base for the darker shades (diva and sunburst). Blot, and get ready to apply your lipstick!

                  Click on the colour you'd like to make here:
                  Velvet Teddy
                  Peach Kiss

                  Let me know what you thought of this post as it's something a little different. Which colour is your favourite?
                  Follow me by clicking this button! Follow

                  Personal Lip Colour Creations | Make-Up and DIY

                  Pssst... keep this between us, but what if I told you that you could take two lipsticks and make three, four or even five different lip colours? What if you added a third lipstick into the mix? Imagine all of the possibilities! Here's the secret: you can.
                  As an artist and a generally educated human being, I started playing around with colour mixes at the age of about 5. The world of colour is out there and waiting to be discovered- did you know that we only have 3 'colour cones' (receptors) in our eyes and therefore can only see a mix of those colours? Mantis Shrimp have 12 colour receptors, so can see a whole psychedelic rainbow of colours that's beyond our comprehension, imagine the lipstick on that one, folks!

                  To keep it simple, I'm showing you some colour creations for the upcoming season, Autumn (or fall for you crazy Americans) and some dupes that you can make on the go. Ranging from peachy pink for the wide-eyed early birds, to reds and purples for the classy lady. The best thing about creating your own personal colours is tailoring them to your skin tone for an award-winning finish.

                  For all of these colours, you will need:
                  • A small, or large lipstick collection
                  • A lip brush
                  • Pressed powder
                  First, (optional) prime your lips by gently exfoliating the dry parts away. You can use granulated sugar and a dab of honey for this then lick it off afterwards. Then apply a tiny, tiny amount of lip balm then dab a little foundation over your lips to make a base for the darker shades (diva and sunburst). Blot, and get ready to apply your lipstick!

                  Click on the colour you'd like to make here:
                  Velvet Teddy
                  Peach Kiss

                  Let me know what you thought of this post as it's something a little different. Which colour is your favourite?
                  Follow me by clicking this button! Follow
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