Wednesday 15 June 2016

Reasons to be excited!

Hello! This is a bit different to my usual posts but after the recent happenings in Orlando (it was just this time last year we were celebrating equality), I've been remembering how grateful I am for my time here on this vibrant blue planet and have been actively trying not to waste days as they go by. At the start of the year I went through a period of realisation and extreme change compared to what I'd been used to for so long but as an adult, I know that when you get stuck in a rut you must pull yourself out. So, in light of this, here are a few things I'm excited about and grateful for lately!

An upcoming collaboration with Ellis Cooper
I was chatting to this gorgeous lady a couple of days ago and we're collaborating on an art set in the coming weeks. As I write this I'm flying ideas and sketches around in my book. Honestly I can't wait to see the final thing, it's been a while since I created something I'm proud of, the last piece I created that was super fun was this paper and make-up portrait of Kylie Jenner.

Seeing Coldplay with my lil' sis
Last week I saw Coldplay with my sister Laura. We've both listened to Coldplay since we were really little, as little as I can recall! It was the most magical gig I've ever been to. We both came home with confetti in our bras, sore feet and a 'head full of dreams', literally in our head. I'm so grateful for that experience.

Moving in to my new house
Recently I signed the contract to my new house. I love the one I'm in now albeit its flaws (it's a student house), but I can't wait to get settled with new friends and start again.

Next week's addition to 'An Inkling'
Another bad ass gal I'm 'collaborating' with is Jade Higgins. She's a wonderful woman from Australia with a big heart and an open mind. I can't wait for you all to learn what she has to say on some interesting topics! In my last Inkling post I chatted to Céline, receiving wonderful feedback which hopefully inspired a few of you as it did me!

Starting university again
I'm not going to lie, in the last couple months of University I wasn't as focused as I could have been. I met all of my deadlines but knowing how capable I am of much more is really depressing. One can only learn from their mistakes! Next academic year will be more organised, creative, prioritised and focussed.

The future
As cliché and as cheesy as it sounds, I'm excited about the future. That fact that I even have a future (touch wood), is bewildering. Every choice we make will amount to where we end up in the future, so lets make some good choices and learn from the bad. Growth takes time but I'm already seeing some changes.

What are you excited about? Are there any things that you feel particularly grateful for lately?


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