Sunday 15 January 2017

An Afternoon with Alfie | Sunday Post #13

Hello lovely readers! SO, I've decided to bring back the weekly Sunday Post series- though you might not have noticed it was gone. Basically my Sunday posts were a day in the week where the post would be pretty chill, not discussing anything too heavy, just something to catch up on with your morning coffee. My last one was in October, so it has been a while. Bare with me while I get it back on it's feet!

I headed home for Christmas in the middle of December and left last week after bawling my eyes out for a good hour, half because some days my hormones like to get crazy and half because as much as I can never wait to get back to uni, I always miss being around home so much!

My mum works in a school so she's away in the daytime once term starts, so it's just me, my sister and nephew left at home nearer the end of the holidays. Christmas was awesome, I talked a little about it in my What I Got for Christmas post, and for once felt like I really made the most of my time at home. Alex even came to visit for a few days and rang in the new year with my family which was loooo-uh-vely.

A few days later Laura, Alfie and I headed to the park with Mylo. I've been working with a new camera (if you can't tell!) so here's a bunch of photos I took of that afternoon. 

I can't get over how adorable Alfie is. He's going to be two this year which is crazy. For me it's really nice seeing him grow up while spending time with him. Because I was so young when my lil' sisters were babies, it's hard for me to remember a time when they were *cough* cute. Every time I go home he's grown more and can do more things for himself, he even knows how to decline a phone call! Haha, Alfie is super sweet, even when he slaps Mylo or throws food on the floor.

We tried to feed the ducks and geese for something to do but they swarmed us as soon as we took our bag of bread out so we ended up screaming and panicking as they hissed and chased us *shudders*. There were two park wardens sat in a hut near us so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them filmed it and the whole scene is slowly going viral on Facebook. Quite a sight to see- we even had to run away from the buggy while Mylo chased them off haha.

Living on the coast means that seagulls live in the parks too (and pretty much everywhere if you've ever been to a seaside town). They're actually HUGE up close. Crazy birdies.

It sucks that my Christmas hol at home has to be over but I'm looking forward to getting back in my creative zone this term at uni. There are a bunch of amazing gigs coming up this year so at least there's something for me to look forward to through this forest of work! Definitely will be for a home visit in the next few weeks since going too long without this lil furball by my side can't be good for me. (What is life without pets?)

Did you do anything nice this holiday? Sometimes it's nice to enjoy the smaller moments so I'm glad I got some photos,  they'll be so nice to look back on if I feel homesick. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in the Sunday Post series!



1 comment

  1. This is such a cute post! Looks like you had a great time at home, I only went home for three days at Christmas because of my job at uni but we went out for drinks Christmas Eve and had a great Christmas Day at home! X


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