Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year's Blogging Resolutions & Reflections

In 2008 I made eighty-one resolutions. Needless to say, I stuck to about... zero of them. "It's time to start setting more realistic goals!" I said to myself and then made a list of every single thing about my life that I wanted to improve or change. Since then I've slowed down a lot, separated my goals into achievable parts and realised that just because January 1st rolls around doesn't mean that a sliver platter with my hopes and dreams on comes with it, though I wish it did!

I thought I'd share with you my blogging goals for the upcoming year as it's going to be nice (or terrible) looking back on them a year from now. Here goes:

  1.  To improve my photography skills. In fairness to myself, this year has been great for improvements but I'd love to be better and have a photo I'm proud of to go with every post.
  2. Leave more comments. One I think a lot of bloggers struggle with is sharing the love to those bloggers that you love oh so much. Leaving comments is something I'm going to aim to do on almost every blog post that I read and enjoy!
  3. Find my own unique 'niche'. Like Tara or Victoria, I'd love to have a niche that not many other bloggers fill. At the moment I'm a little all over the place and although I NEVER want to write solely about one thing, it'd be nice to be known for a topic that nobody else really covers. 
  4. Hit 1000 Bloglovin' followers. Numbers are never my strong point- it's not something worth focussing all of your energy on but to see The Scarlet State double in following readers, would be wonderful!
  5. Vlog more. Perhaps 2017 will be the year I invest in a proper vlogging camera! Since summer I've posted the occasional vlog when something exciting was going down, but I'd love to show you all more of my personal daily life than I already do. Whether that's a day in the studio or a day in my jim-jams, get ready to see me ugly. I'm also travelling a little this year so there will be a new category on TSS!
Leaving it at 5 seems nicely modest so there they are. Hopefully I can reach them all but kicking myself in the butt isn't something I'll be doing if I don't. Will blogging even be my thing this time next year? Hopefully! Blogging in 2016 gave me the opportunity to meet some amazing people like Jess from Heart Shaped Bones and Rihanna from Robowecop who I'll hopefully meet again someday soon, being in this welcoming community has really boosted my confidence and I can't think of a better post to start the new year with than this!

Personally I feel that I'm a completely refreshed person now compared to who I used to be- with different morals and priorities than last year. Like I've mentioned before, coming to terms with change has brought nothing but happiness and some sort of personal enlightenment. (would you like a cracker with that cheese?)

Aside from the political troubles and iconic deaths that 2016 handed us, it's been a pretty dang good one and I'm more than ready to grab '17 by the horns. I hope you all have the most motivating January and that it treats you well. If anyone is struggling out there please remember that it does get better and that every minute is a chance to resolve and resolute- not just the new year. My e-mail is always open for chats and advices! Lots of love and light.

Happy New Year! xx

Where did you spend New Year's Eve? Do you have any resolutions?



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