Saturday 2 September 2017

4 Podcasts Worth Waking Up For

listening to podcast in bed

If you lived in my house, at 6am every morning you'd usually hear me giggling from the bathroom as I do my make-up.

Part of my routine is to watch whatever shiny new video catches my eye from my Youtube subscription box while I get ready, but lately I've been stretching into Podcasts for a more 'enriching' alternative (because who doesn't love to feel productive when really they're doing nothing).

They're so good for learning new things. Did you know that 'unschooling' is a thing? Parents take their children out of school and let them choose the base of their learning through what they're interested in. How cool is that? Imagine learning outside, counting with geckos like Ellen Fisher's children, instead of reading out of a text book!

I've also learned why patience is a virtue in the baby steps to self-love, how to go freelance and what happens when you travel alone for a year. Most of the podcasts I listen to are 40-60 minutes long and amazing to have on in the background while doing- well, pretty much anything. Here are my favourites at the moment!

iphone 5s in bed

A Beautiful Mess - Steph Yu

Stephanie is a young woman but a wise soul at heart. She's been through a lot in her mind and body, most recently eating disorders and adrenal fatigue, giving her life experience beyond her years. So uplifting, inspiring and interesting, listening to this podcast is like having a heart to heart with a friend! My favourite episodes have to be her discussions on self love, not taking life so freakin' seriously and any with a guest podcaster(er-erer?). I could lose days listening to this one!

The Ricky Gervais 'Guide To...' Series

This is an oldie but a goldie. Pre-Idiot Abroad, we meet Karl Pilkington in allllll his grumpy, Northern glory. This podcast is basically Ricky and Steven Merchant taking the p*ss out of Karl for hours while discussing crazy fascinating topics like medicine, history and science. It's absolutely hilarious and great if you're more visual as this was also animated! You can check out the audio at the link above. 

Earth To Us - Hannah McNeely & Evan Oliver

Hannah is hilarious. From Orange County, California, this vegan college teacher provides us with an ethical discussion dream. Not only does her attitude towards life brighten my day but her words crack me up. I recently listened to her talking about the difference between goals and dreams, whether it's a good thing to have them and how we all work differently in the hopes of reaching these goals.

Every episode has a unique topic, so maybe listen to one that you don't know a lot about! This is where I learned about unschooling and alone world travel!

Make it Then Tell Everybody - Dan Berry

Dan Berry has been in the creative industry for a while now, and his podcast really represents that. With every episode having a new illustrator, artist, designer on, this really makes for an intriguing and motivating listen. Often funny and always uplifting, Dan and his interviewees share a lot of creative secrets. It's like peeping at sketchbooks, but in stereo. 

waking up with earphones

What podcasts have you been loving lately? I can't get enough.

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