Saturday 9 September 2017

Am I Stretching Myself Too Thin?

When putting your life online, now I know this is not something I have to do, I often shove updates about my day on Twitter or Instagram without thinking. For over a month now I've been working every day (with three days off) freelancing, blogging and at my two part-time jobs, which has been a little too apparent with how busy I've come across as online.

One of these jobs, I absolutely adore. The other is with good people and has guaranteed income. Freelancing is my dream job right now and blogging is a hobby, but all of these things require so much of my time and I'm left with pretty much an hour at the end of most days to do nothing.

Everyone needs a bit of nothing, right?

Movie nights, evening walks and trips out are squeezed in as much as possible but I don't know if it's the adjustment to working life or the fact that I've never worked this much so consistently in my life but I feel like this roll I'm on will come to a grinding halt soon.

People are always saying to me "Oh you're so busy" or "I didn't want to ask because I know you're busy", and I just want to be like "NOOOOO I'm busy doing what I love! Tell me anything!". Honestly I'm doing all of this stuff because I want to be, because eventually I will have enough money to travel and hopefully you will all still be here to read all about it.

Painting and drawing is my passion, so isn't really work to me, as time-consuming as it is.

So please don't be afraid to message me because you think I am busy. I'd love to hear your ideas or create something for you. That's what my time freelancing is set aside for! Busy-ness is what I thrive in. It's okay to take breaks from your passion but right now I don't want to, this experience is something that will definitely be valuable to me in the future.

Working these two part-time jobs have already given me so much confidence and patience that I didn't know I had, so there's that, then there's how much appreciation I have for an afternoon off or moment of solitude. As a student these were things I never made the most of!

There is still the internal debate I'm having with myself about if I can really cope with all this but it seems so far so good. I do miss having a couple of days off at a time as travelling to see my family means staying overnight, and they're probably the thing I miss most about not having to do all this adulting.

I think, for the sake of future me I will try to take some days off soon to rest and do nothing. As you read this I will have already visited Wales with my boyfriend for a couple of days so that's luuuuurvely, I'm so excited for that. ♥ Apologies for this crazy ramble. Sometimes it's nice to just have empty out a stream of thoughts!

How are you doing lately? Are you busy too?

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