Tuesday 10 November 2015

An Inky Experience with Things & Ink

I'm currently sat beside my fluff-ball of a dog, drying off after one of the dampest walks of this year. Don't get me wrong- I'm not complaining, Autumn is probably my favourite season as I'm sure has been said here before.

Nothing beats crisp air and golden 5 o'clock sunsets. Even though the nights are drawing in earlier, I have been busier than ever! One thing I suck at is time management so stacks on stacks of uni work have decided to turn against me while my time to blog is hanging on a cliffs edge waiting for me to pick up the slack. I've missed my little corner of the internet, it's nice to come back once or twice a week to dust off the cobwebs and talk to you guys!

In the last week of October I was approached by the lovely Rosalie from Things & Ink after drawing a bunch of creepy Kewpies (the result of not being able to sleep until 5am) to be featured on their blog.

If you know me, you'll know that Things&Ink is my favourite magazine of all time and to be featured alongside some amazing creatives and my favourite artists (holla at Hannah Snowdon, who I mentioned in this post) was a little honour. I've been reading Things & Ink for about a year now, no issue leaves me unimpressed. To read my full interview, click here!

I've never been interviewed about my art or my passions for any other reason than to get into a university or college, so it was somewhat liberating and such a boost for people to interview me out of pure curiosity.

We chatted via e-mail and Rosalie was super lovely and friendly. It's little things like this that may seem so insignificant to other people, that make me remember why I'm making art and trying to forge a career out of a narrow path like this.
Excerpt of interview
Lately my life has began to focus around my art more and more, which is what I want. I can go for weeks being totally uninspired and then suddenly, out of nowhere I'll be cracking out artwork like no other! Now is one of those times, and I'm trying to fully absorb myself in it to find my feet in the creative world again before the next period of being uninspired! I think it happens to all creatives but it just makes it even more important to paint, draw, write when we feel inspired.

What have you been up to lately? What did you think of my little interview?



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