Friday 14 July 2017

A Girl's Night In with Skinny Cocktails*

cocktails on a table

Welcome to a post scheduled for June, a post that slipped through my fingers as quickly as the past month itself! As the stresses of student living come to an end, I found a little down-time to have a girly night in with my friend Robyn accompanied by some cocktails courtesy of Skinny Cocktails*. 

We headed to an Urban Decay party for an exclusive preview of their Shapeshifter and Afterglow palettes (the Afterglow palette is to DIE for, so shimmery) where Robyn got her make-up done and we gorged on bottles of bubbly.

I'm not a huge drinker (the key to surviving the antics of university's first year) but you'll never catch me turning down a glass of fizz, so when we wanted to continue the party at home, Skinny Cocktails were the perfect option. They're only 5% and have so little sugar in them, yet are such a treat for your tastebuds. 

With a Cosmo and Margarita each in hand, we settled down to watch the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars in our comfy clothes (that finishing storyline though... seriously PLL writers, get it together). Does anyone else realllllly want to visit 'The Brew'?

Robyn wearing the Shapeshifter palette on her cheeks and eyes, with Afterglow palette for highlight

Honestly, I'm so over being hungover. Brilliantly, both cocktails contain Milk Thistle which is suggested to stop you from being hungover and I definitely felt as fresh as usual the next day- I think I even bagged a little lie in. It's been so long! 

My favourite cocktail of the night was the Margarita, made with Cointreau and Tequila, my two loves. Slightly more bitter than the Cosmo, which is made with vodka, cranberry and lime, it was the perfect accompaniment to the Ten Acre sweet and salty snacks that every good night in has. Yes, we ate our body weight in popcorn. My favourite was the cappucino flavour, which is thankfully suitable for nut allergy sufferers like me.

Robyn said she preferred the Cosmo cocktail, flamingo pink in colour and more refreshing than you'd expect a ready-made cocktail to be. Although making cocktails is so fun- I learned this from the #BonPrixontheRocks event last year, something ready made and chilled is absolutely perrrrrfect for an easy night in.

We stayed up late and ate dinner on the couch while binging old Rick and Morty episodes-  not what you'd expect from a typical girl's night but if your friends don't have a sense of humour then you probably have the wrong friends! Introducing the beloved cartoon to my Portuguese housemate, Cindy, was something to behold for sure. If you've never watched Rick and Morty then please do and tell me your reaction because Cindy's was hilarious! 

It was really nice to have all the girls together in one room for the night as we've all been so busy with work and coursework lately. It's definitely something I'll miss when moving out.

Having said that, when I move out of my current digs, I'm totally installing a mini bar in my new place for hosting girl power get-togethers.

Sometimes you don't realise how much you need down-time until you've had some down-time.

Cheers to an exciting new chapter in our lives, and thank you to SkinnyBrands Skinny Cocktails for giving me an excuse to rally the girls together. I'd really love to try the Mojito next as that's my all time favourite cocktail. Overall I really would recommend these as the taste was gorgeous. Not only that but they're slightly better for you than your average bar cocktail and you can enjoy them from the comfort of your own sofa. Game of Thrones marathon, anyone?

What's your favourite cocktail? Have you been binge watching any series lately?

*this post contains products sent to me for review. all opinions are my own! for the boring stuff see here.


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