Wednesday 19 July 2017

Graduation, Moving & New Starts | Life Lately

Bedroom with sash window
Hellooooo lovely people! What a month it has been! The last you heard from me about life in general was in May, where I talked a lot about how I was exploring a spiritual side of my mind along with musings on gratitude, living and making the most of my days. I'd just been through a traumatic experience and looking back now, when I wrote that post I really was not in the best place. I needed time to recuperate mentally, so writing it out like that and taking a breather was exactly what I needed.

I'd been having anxiety (especially about allergies and food) which has now pretty much passed! In fact, I attended a counselling session which was quite helpful though I felt I only needed the one and I feel so, so much better. It's so important to recognise when you need to talk to someone.

Since May, I've had my final university exhibition, visited home, graduated with an upper second class grade (2:1), moved into a new place with my boyfriend, began seriously freelancing (oh book balancing, my old friend) and started two new jobs! It feels like I'm always busy but honestly I thrive this way and NEVER forget to drop in chill time in the evenings.

girl standing in front of artwork

Ours exhibition went by like a blur. So much set up and cramming for a whirlwind week, talk of book illustrating and lots of celebrating my friend's work. Everyone really pulled through and the exhibition looked amazing! You might have seen it on my Instagram stories.

A month later was graduation, but not before trying to find a house, a job and pack! Alex and I have decided to stay in Preston, just for a couple of months while we find our place in this world outside of study, settle into new jobs (Alex's job title is 'Fun Expert', how awesome is that?) and learn how to share a freaking room haha.

We've been living together for a couple of years now but this is the first time we're sharing a room completely. Lots of our belongings are hidden away in the cellar for storage, though I did take moving out as a chance to declutter my life. It felt gooooooooooooood.

I've decorated my part of the house in you guessed it- plants. It feels like home already.
hanging hair plant
Graduation was so amazing! I STILL can't believe it's been three years already. It feels like yesterday that I was trying to survive first year of university, haha. Uni has been a huge period of growth and change for me, so Alex and I took some time to celebrate by ourselves at the end of the night and reflect on the last three (five for him) years, over yet more bubbly.

I might do a few posts on graduate life, or how to prepare for your final year of uni if that's something you would be interested in? If there's anything you want to know about student life, let me know! I'll do an update on graduate living once I've settled into my job a little more.
girls graduatingfamily at graduation
Girl graduating with boyfriend
At the moment, I'm beginning a job at Hobbycraft. I formally start tomorrow, where I'll be doing all the usual shop floor bits as well as helping people out with painting, creating displays and all the other arts and crafts you can think of! I wanted this job because it means I get to do something slightly creative as a day job which is awesome.

I'm also working some days as a breakfast waitress at a hotel (it pays the bills). The downside is suuuuuper early mornings, but it does give me entire days to work on my freelancing and blogging so you can expect a huge haul of fresh content and regular posting again! Yay!

I was almost given a job at LUSH but working at Hobbycraft meant I wasn't available on one of the days they needed me. I'll totally be applying again come August/September, considering my foot  to be jamming that door open haha. Would a post on my experience at the interview and trial shift be helpful? One day I'll take my freelance illustrating full time, but as my favourite book right now, 'Big Magic' says- don't rely on your hobby to pay the bills. Get a job to pay the bills and revel in the money you make from your craft, by yourself.

So that's my last 6-8 weeks in a very small nutshell. Hopefully a little explaination as to why I've been MIA- but now that my degree is over and I'm getting settled (before travelling next year) expect regular content and maybe even videos once again!

I hope you're all well and have had a brilliant start to the summer! What have you been doing lately?

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