Monday 17 July 2017

What A Beautiful Sight | Review

girl wearing pink glasses

For some reason, almost every summer I decide I want to improve or re-invent myself somehow. Even if the reinvention is simply cutting my hair, or changing my hair colour, feeling like a new me can often be the motivation I need to do better and be better!

I've always known that I've had less than perfect sight, but I always thought that glasses never looked quite *right* on me. Too squeamish for contact lenses, I avoided the problem as much as I could but with my line of work being drawing (sometimes really detailed) illustrations or looking at a computer screen for a long time, it was time to buck up and hunt down the perfect pair. So while browsing The Glasses Shop's catalogue, I decided to go for a daringly beautiful pink pair of eyeglasses.

pink glasses on leaves

pink glasses on book

Seriously, how gorgeous are these frames? For the price tag of around $20-25 I thought the quality of these would be something to improve but honestly these are as good as my old £90 Specsavers pair. The Glasses Shop offer free lenses which is amazing, as that's usually where the cost lies when getting new specs. The only trouble I ran into with this service was the confusion around my prescription.

My prescription should have had all the details of what lenses I needed on it but missed out some vital information, which meant we went through a lot of back and forth in e-mails trying to figure out the missing details.

In the end I had to get my friend Holly, (who is luckily and conveniently trained in Optometry) to figure it out for me! Bear this in mind if you're thinking of ordering eyeglasses online- make sure your prescription is up to date and in full! They also offer prescription sunglasses which is brill if you're someone who needs to wear lenses constantly, especially on these beautiful Summer evenings or when driving.

They also offer non-prescription lenses, so you can rock glasses just because!
pink glasses front on

Girl in pink glasses

My frames +lenses took about two weeks to arrive as they were shipped internationally (I live in the UK) and I've had no problems with them at all. They're comfortable, never catch on my hair or clothes, sturdy and if I do say so myself, stylish haha. The colour of the frames aka the whole reason I chose them, stayed true to the picture on the website. My specs even arrived in their own protective plastic case. 

Being a bit of an eco-nerd, I'd love to see the company cut down on plastic (as plastic glasses are surprisingly bad for the environment) by using cases made of perhaps bamboo, or fabric! 

I'm chuffed that I can see properly again, putting them on came with quite a shock as I didn't realise what I was missing! Why did I not discover these while illustrating my final year project?! I have astigmatism in my left eye and having this corrected even temporarily is amazing. The detail in my illustrations will totally be improving with the arrival of these babies. Look after your eyes people! 

Do you wear glasses or contacts? How do you change up your appearance?


*This post contains items sent to me for review, but all opinions are my own! I'm also not an affiliate but was kindly given a code for you guys to use! If you want 50% off eyeglasses and sunglasses use GSHOT50 at the checkout. 


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