Thursday 13 August 2015

Celebratory Picnics & Amazing Opportunities

It's been another whirlwind of a few weeks over here, since my last 'Life Lately' post, time has gone so quickly! I mean, we're halfway through August already, where has the year gone?!
Since you read my last catch-up post, lots of little and large things have made an appearance in my life. From my first nephew being born, my boyfriend's birthday and selling my comic '3 Parts Mad' internationally, it's been another crazy couple of weeks. 
For a while I was super stressed out, which has made me consider keeping a journal where I can just tear out the pages once I'm done writing or ranting into it so I never have to look at it again haha. Do any of you have a journal? I've found that writing down feelings helps but I always get annoyed when re-reading them. 

After the stress and anticipation of waiting for my nephew to be born (who you can read a little more about here), he finally arrived and we've been blessed with a cute lil baba to look after. I actually had to pick up the entire crib the other night and rock him in that until he stopped crying. The things we do to get to sleep, eh?


I also interviewed with an awesome company for an insane opportunity, one that I might not even get but to be 'shortlisted' and contacted by them is a dream in itself, so the anticipation of that has kept me on the edge of my seat for the past week also. 
Though I have had some relief, my current client project is finishing (which I have loooved doing) so it's nice to have one thing off my shoulders before the next sets in. It's so odd to think that this time last year I was only just finding out if I'd been accepted into university and now I'm here. 
More recently or as I write this, last night, my boyfriend turned 21 so we spent the day picnicking and drinking in a field (ticked off the bucket list) before heading to his house for drinks with his family and family friends. Joshes cake was insanely good, taste-wise and beautifully decorated. You know when food looks too pretty to even eat it? That. 

For his present, I made him a 'birthday box' with his favourite rum, printed photos, Daedric runes, leather-bound notebook and pen from mum, and an eastern teapot/cups to remind him of our favourite tea house while he's living back at home after graduating. I'm so broke after this summer so my presents were sort of sparse, but he loved them none the less!

We drank whiskey into the early hours and made the most of the sunshine before the torrential rain that's made it's way to my windows tonight. In all honesty, I don't mind the rain. It's an excuse to cuddle up on the sofa with an awesome movie.

I stopped the night at Joshes then this morning we signed copies of our comic to send out this weekend. I'm so surprised with how amazing the reaction has been! There's nothing more motivating than seeing your hard work appreciated. If you want a copy yourself then head to our website

So that's it really, I think you're all up to date! I go back to uni in a few weeks, which I've just realised how scary that is and how little time I have left of summer. Being at home is a different kind of wonderful, hopefully I'll learn how to deal with some homesickness before I head back. Though I can't wait to move into my new house and get decorating! I hear some of you have been accepted into University? You can see my tips on surviving first year here.

As much as I absolutely love summer, I've noticed that the long nights are drawing to a close more quickly than usual and I sort of, guiltily can't wait for crisp autumn mornings where the leaves are a little frosty (and I get to hide in warm layers). I can't wait to share more pretty bath bomb reviews, #ootd's and skin/haircare tips etc as we head into the cooler months.

What have you been up to lately? Drop me a comment and let me know!
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