Saturday 1 August 2015

Summer Bucket Listin'

Having a summer bucket list can be great for the days where you don't know what to do with yourself. Since leaving school for higher education, summer has lasted around 10 weeks each year! I've had a lot of time for exciting adventures. Last year my boyfriend and I made a bucket list (more me saying a million things I wanted to do and him telling me to write them down), and I've decided to do the same again albeit smaller.

Last year we hired out a rowing boat Lake Windermere in the early hours of the morning, took a visit to the aquarium and an expensive bar, went blackberry picking (and made an awesome crumble), made sushi together and got into the swing of creating our comic, 3 Parts Mad, among other things.

This summer, I want to:
  • Jump off a pier into a lake (I have a fear of deep water with nothing to grab onto so we'll see)
  • Hire another rowing boat!
  • Go to a festival
  • Complete the People Project
  • Start a blog
  • See my friends graduate!
  • Host a blogger chat
  • Go for a picnic with Josh (plus a couple beers on the side)
  • Hop on a train and spend the day wherever I end up
  • Finish reading Memoirs of a Geisha and Watchmen
  • Go on a hike
  • Go to Manchester Comic Con
  • Dye my hair brighter
  • Make my cacti flower
  • Beach day! (For the last 3 years, without fail!)

With my sister's baby being due soon, working for a client and the house having an extension added on, I feel like I won't be able to get all of these done, but I'll update at the end of summer and let you know!

What do you hope to do this summer? Is there anything awesome you've done already? Tell me! 
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