Wednesday 17 August 2016

Nudity & Cat-calling: Empowering or Degrading? | Taboo Talk #5

Fishnet palm tree body, red asos bra, thong, PVC red midi skirt
At first I contemplated putting the phrase 'Female Nudity' in the title of this post but thought that with a quick google search, it might not attract the sort of readers I intended. But that's just the thing really: why does 'female nudity' and nudity in general have so many connotations of straight up sex?

There's no right or wrong answer to 'is nudity degrading or empowering'. For different people, a different answer arises. Whilst some may feel empowered by wearing less clothes, some may feel empowered by having the ability to cover up. Whether you're a male or female, if you feel good about yourself and want to show some skin then who's to say that you shouldn't? 

Seeing the Free the Nipple campaign made me feel empowered, that so many people of my gender were standing up for throwing away the immediate sexualisation of female nipples on social media, and in society. Don't even get me started on public breastfeeding. We can't feed a baby in our booth at a café without harassment now? Gimmie a break man.

Some feel degraded or ashamed (yet we should never be ashamed of our naked bodies. We come in all different shapes and sizes and every body is a 'bikini body') while some people believe a woman is degrading herself by posting revealing photographs, she might feel empowered and others might feel inspired to work on self confidence or do the same. 

We should never shame anybody for dressing how they want- frankly, other people's bodies are none of our business (unless you're being assaulted/sexually harassed/flashed at). Not Kim K's nude selfies, not Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos, not the woman in the shop who likes to show her cleavage, not the girl at school who likes to wear short shorts all year round. Another issue which I might save is sexualisation in school; that a girl showing her shoulders or thighs is distracting for teachers and pupils. GET YOUR HEADS CHECKED. 

Sadly, mainly for women and some men, cat-calling is a regular occurrence. It happens equally when we choose to wear a particularly flattering skirt and bra and when we're in a bloody duffel coat. 

I was told by a man on the train yesterday that his 'attractive' male friend likes to whistle and wave at 'larger girls' to make them feel good. You could see his face DROP when I told him how disgusting that was, as he genuinely thought it was flattering. So he's suggesting that women need compliments from assholes on the street to feel good about themselves? No woman needs a man, or another woman, to make them feel good. For all he knows these women he cat-calls were having the most body confident day of their life until then.

I don't know about you gals but I've not once felt flattered, attracted or blessed after being hollered at on the street about my backside. No your hand gesture doesn't make you a god of esteem, you actually look like the biggest douche alive and I wish a black hole would open up underneath you to eat you up forever. 

For the girls- what I'm saying is if you want to wear nude mesh and bralets, do it. Do it for you. Do it because you feel good. If you want to answer your front door or go to the corner shop in nothing but perfume and a robe, do it. If wearing little clothes makes you feel good, SLAY. Post that half naked selfie and revel in it. One day, hopefully, we won't have to worry about being hollered at in the street or have our bodies sexualised by random strangers.

I've also had a nine year old in the street call me sexy. Does he even know what that means? Who taught him to do that? Who taught him that was okay? SO many questions. On the other hand nobody should ever bash others for their clothing choices, including not blaming victims of rape and assault because their clothes were 'provocative'. 

Whether you feel empowered or degraded by nudity, it is not your place to tell someone else to cover up or undress, that their role (a mother, a 'role model', a random girl on Instagram) changes whether they can or can't show some cleavage. Worry about your own body, but if your girlfriend is killin' it in her new dress, you can let her know in a nice way. 

As if she didn't know she was killin' it already.

What are your thoughts on this? Tell me your experiences!
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