Sunday 28 August 2016

Sunday Post #6 | Where Do I Go From University? Thoughts

So myself and almost a million other uni students will be heading into their third year of study this September, some with a job planned or lined up for graduation and some who don't. I am one of the students who doesn't. 

I'm not afraid to admit that although university has been incredible, the first year of uni was a huge learning curve and my lessons/lectures aren't all I expected them to be. My anticipations and expectations for these three years were high, I don't know if I expected more because in TV university looks incredible, or maybe I just didn't choose the right course/university for my personal way of learning.

Since the first time I felt-tipped the walls of my family kitchen all I've wanted to do my whole life is make art; make art for a living, make art for fun, . Dedicated to the illustration path so much, I even tried to open a door handle with my two front (baby) teeth so I could carry as many art supplies as possible (they got knocked out of my gob, it was literally a bloody grim sight) but as I grow older and dip my toes into lots of different waters, plan to travel and become sick of working bars, I've found myself straying from what I set out to accomplish all those years ago.

This isn't a bad thing, it actually means more doors are opening, like a career in blogging, social media or marketing (yes, social media careers are a thing), the chance of a tattoo apprenticeship in the future- or both. 
Me at two years old, I think!
For so long art, and my ability to create has been at the core of who I am. It's an unchanging part of my identity but university has really beaten me down this last year (feedback basically stating that they didn't understand my work, or tutors preferring my rough sketches to my hard worked on final pieces) making me realise that aside from tattooing, maybe I won't make a living from doing solely this!

Then we come to blogging; working with PR and communicating to audiences on such a great and personal level makes me want to maybe pursue blogging as a full time thing, alongside making art. Wouldn't that just be a dream? If I enjoy blogging and working with PR this much, surely I'd enjoy being a PR working with bloggers, right?

I was recently contacted by Spotlight Recruitment who are an agency offering jobs in marketing and PR, their website even keeps you up to date with industry news if you're looking to get into marketing all by yourself. 

A lot of the positions are London based, as I assume they are with big brands and agencies, but I can't think of a graduate who is happy residing in their city of study for the rest of their lives anyway. 

I want to explore the world and then get a creative industry job in a city with a hell of a lot of opportunity. Perhaps London, or Manchester, or New freakin' YORK. It's so hard to get your foot in the door as a creative grad which makes agencies like Spotlight Recruitment something I'm glad about and us under-grads need to know about now. Especially if in a year we're going to be thrown into the big wide world of salaries and taxes.

Whatever I do for the rest of my life, I hope it's creative and makes me happy :)

Where did you go from uni? Are you on the same path you set out to be right now? I'd love to know your experiences!
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*This post is sponsored by Spotlight Recruitment but was written before they contacted me! (minus the mention). But do check them out if you're looking for a job in marketing! All words and opinions/thoughts are completely my own.

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