Sunday 7 August 2016

Sunday Post #4 | Moving, Reflecting & #OOTD🌻

A season of change was bestowed upon me and if you've been reading this blog lately you'll know that 2016 has been one of the craziest years of my life so far. This year has been an amazing, incredible yet difficult learning curve in which I feel I've discovered a new self, dropped old habits, cut negative ties and really shed the skin that I'd lived in all of my teenage years. 

When March/April came around it was time to look for a new house to live in in September. Alex, my boyfriend who I've known for so many years but only 'been with' for the whole of this year (almost) and I decided to move in together for the second year in a row, this time with new friends! 

I'll definitely miss the ups and downs of living with my old flatmates, especially Abbie, my crazy gal who's now doing a year in China, but it's such an exciting prospect moving in with friends who you've never lived with before!

For the last two weeks Alex and I have been moving our belongings from the old house to the new. We both have our own rooms to decorate and live in because everyone loves personal space (also touch wood not, incase something bad happens to our relationship) but obviously share both of these rooms when it comes to hanging out and sleeping.

Pictured above: The bedroom bookshelf and my ten cacti! Below the shelf is an old fireplace that I'm so excited to fill with flowers, and probably block up the inside because I'm terrified that Aragog the spider is living inside.

Did I mention we put our deposits down on recommendation? We hadn't seen the house before. All about living on the edge (not, someone send help, I don't know how to adult hahaha). So we bid farewell to the old house and it honestly feels like a weight off my shoulders. Here's me during the July heatwave, saying goodbye. Cya number 8! 
This skirt is from Boohoo, the bra is from ASOSis a cup too small, is definitely not a push up and makes my floobies look even teenier than they are- but it was 29 FREAKING DEGREES when we moved and I was dying. So my fishnet palm-tree body (see similar here) and a tiny bra just made sense. You can find the sunglasses at Goldsoul LA and the cheap Lumee case is talked about in this post.

Not a lot has been moved into the new place for me yet, so the room snippets I'm about to show you are a mix of mine and Alex's things and decor. When the time comes for me to move in fully, in September, the room might look completely different so you can definitely expect a new post about my house next month!
There are double beds in every bedroom, which of course I gotta stuff full of pillows. I've wrapped fairy lights around the bed and the radiator next to it is a perfect brew holder. My bedroom also has two windows which makes a change from living in near enough darkness for the past two years (read about brightening up a rented place here)! This was suuuuch a selling point when it came to choosing rooms, besides the fact that Alex plays a lot of games and prefers to do that in the dark.

The painting in the picture above, I'm hoping to finish this year, is wedged down the side because we needed it to support a blanket fort. A whole 13 hours of blissful sleep happened in that fort haha, I told you I don't know how to adult! I'm super excited to shove in some white bedsheets and wall art, to really make the room my own. 

So these are my favourite parts of the room at the mo, I don't want to reveal it all as I might actually do a house or bedroom tour on my Youtube channel once all of my belongings are in in September! Does that sound good?

Let me know what you've been up to lately. Did you suffer or thrive in the heatwave?
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