Monday 8 August 2016

Peek Inside my Pocket Bullet Journal

I'm seriously starting to think that Bullet Journalling has taken over the world. Being one of the least organised people to have ever walked the Earth, this trend is something that I not only love but NEED. Feeling organised makes me motivated and I've been saying for so long that I'd make a bullet journal. Before running home with WHSmiths supply of Moleskins I decided to test it out first, in a smaller, dedicated notebook.

My noodoll notebook
How much cooler can a notebook get? My favourite A6 noodoll notebook has been lying about my room for a year now. It's one of those notebooks that you don't want to write on the first page of purely because it's so fresh and empty. The pages are squared and after seeing LJLV's bullet journal video I figured it was a sign to finally put this little guy to use! 

This bullet journal is purely for my blog, but I'm definitely going to buy a bigger one for life & study if it actually gets me organised.
So far it only has a key, index, 2016 goals and August page which includes; my planner for each day of the month, important notes (below), monthly goals and a blog post ideas section for each month too as you can see in the first photo. 

My 'Key' has symbols for;
a task, blogging event, migrated task, scheduled task, cancelled task, completed task, an exclaimation point to flag important to-do's, post (for posting on The Scarlet State), schedule post, write posts, and a special symbol for sponsored or sample campaign posts.

Although I want to keep this pocket journal strictly blog related, it's handy for me to mark non-blogging events with an 'X' so that I know I'll be away and need to perhaps schedule, or write more before I leave. Anyone else coming to Leeds Festival this month?

I like to write down every post idea I have, usually in my Blogger drafts, but nothing beats traditional pen to paper. Seeing everything all in one place is handy too and using my key symbols to plan each day's tasks makes everything super simple!
Obviously it isn't very filled yet, I'm just excited that I've finally started journalling! Since it's for my blog I've kept the colour schemes the same as my header. The illustrator in me came out for the text which is super messy but I love.

Also if you look closely in these photos you've probably seen upcoming post spoilers. Super excited to be collaborating with a certain animal loving company in a few weeks! If you have a pet, stay tuned and keep up with my posts by following on Bloglovin'!

If you have any posts, videos or tips for bullet journalling, drop them in the comments because I'm still getting my head around it! Do you keep a bullet journal?
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